Chapter XVII: The preparings

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The fight was tomorrow and I couldn't have been more nervous than I ever have been in my entire life. We had been training for 2 weeks to fight off the army of insane newborns just to be prepared but still with the training I was scared something bad would happen and on top of all that Edward wanted me to carry Bella to where Edward and Bella would stay at for the night before the fight just so the vampires wouldn't get to town.

They would stay in one tent and in the other, right next to it Sky and I would be staying until the fight started. I refused to take her there at first but Sky said it was fine and she insisted so I ended up accepting.

Sky and I were at the spot we had agreed to meet to pick Bella up silently until she finally broke the tense silence. "Jake we're all gonna be ok" I looked at her with sadness and fear growing. What if she got hurt? What if I can't do anything to protect her? What if she doesn't come back home from this? What if- "Jake, listen  to me, we're gonna be fine alright? We're gonna be ok. No matter how bad this gets I promise you I'll get all of you out of this because that's  what Sam would've done. If I get hurt there's nothing we can do about it alright? Don't blame yourself, don't blame the pack, the vampires or Bella because there will be nobody to blame except for the red head. Yeah?" She said looking me in the eyes. I nodded  before Pulling her into a tight hug "I love you" I muttered still holding back the tears. "I love you too love" She replied leaning her head against my shoulder.

We were still in a  hug when  Edward arrived with Bella. We pulled back but didn't let go of our hands. "Hey, thanks again for bringing her there. It means a lot " The vampire said. "You're welcome, now come on before it's too late" I replied. Bella walked towards me, I  glanced at Sky who nodded with  a  smile. I picked  Bella up and started running into the forest with Sky right behind me but in her wolf form, just in case some vampire would run into us and to keep me company so Bella wouldn't be trying anything.

We all ran for a while until  we arrived where the tents were set up. I  put Bella down which went over to Edward and I immediately went towards Sky, who pulled me into a sweet kiss, I kissed back putting my arms around her waist. She put her arms around my neck and when we broke the kiss she leaned her head against my shoulder. We stayed like that for a while until she decided to  go check the area just to make sure no newborn was to  be seen yet.

I waited worriedly outside our tent while Edward and Bella sat talking in their tenth.

I couldn't stop thinking about if she was ok or not and apparently Edward noticed because he came out of the tent to talk to me. "She's strong you know. I'm sure she can handle herself" I glanced over at him with a weak smile "yeah I know she can but I'm just worried, what if something happened to her? " I replied. He looked at me, smiled and then looked like he was trying to remember something "she's alright, there's no trace of any vampires yet" He then said with a smile. I smiled back gratefully and as he went back to Bella I stayed outside waiting for my imprint.

After about 2 hours I heard some running and then a black haired beautiful girl appear in my view. I shot up, went running towards her and lifted her up as she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. "You got me worried sick. If Edward hadn't been there to make sure you were alright I just might have ran off to look for you" I muttered with our foreheads against each other and our eyes shut.

She chuckled a bit "you can't even last few hours without me, oh and I made sure to put Snow on a leash so she wouldn't follow us here" She said. I smiled and chuckled a bit before kissing her passionately, she kissed back grasping softly at my hair.

Our kiss was broken by a loud snap that sounded from behind us. Sky automatically jumped off me, stepped a bit back to make sure not to hurt me, changed and started circling around me in a protective way. She would always do that when she felt as if we were in danger.

I stood ready to attack and then suddenly a lonely vampire Ran in our direction. Not hesitating a split second she jumped on it and ripped it's head off then walked back to me. When she got next to me she changed back "he was alone" She then said, I immediately relaxed knowing that her nose wouldn't ever fail her and Edward burst thru the tent door with Bella on his heels.

"Is everything arlight?! We heard weird noises" Bella exclaimed. "Yeah no shit. I just killed a fucking vampire what did you expect? Fucking Bethoven music to sound so your problematic little ass wouldn't hear the noises?" Sky snapped at her. I couldn't stop myself from chuckling at my imprint's reaction while Bella just rolled her eyes and Edward and her went back inside the tent. I could tell this was going to be a long evening and probably night.

We had to spend the whole night on the hill, just to make sure that if some vampires came by before the fight Edward would have some back up. I hated the idea of staying there because it was hella cold up there and Sky's body temperature was much colder than mine, which ment it was harder for her than humans to get cold but she still did.

After talking outside of the tent for a while it started snowing so we got inside. She wrapped herself in a blanket and layed on the cold floor of the tent as I took the first guard and sat outside the tent.


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