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As his lips left mine and I pulled away I was more then shocked my best friend just kissed me but more importantly my boyfriends best friend "Jaden we can't do this" I know but I can't seem to get rid of this feeling and connection towards you he said caressing my cheek with his thumb "Jaden what about our significant others" I don't know but we can't just ignore this connection "let's just go home I think I've had enough of the studio for today" Okay but agree not to tell anyone about this "Jaden this isn't happening and no I'm not telling anyone" whatever just get in the car.

I walk to the car furious and angered the whole car ride home is silent I walk in sway and run upstairs into Josh's room babe you okay "couldn't be better" are you sure "yes josh I'm fine jeez" wow no need to be such a bitch nessa "what did you just call me" nessa baby I'm sorry "no josh leave me alone" I stormed out of the room and downstairs and my eyes swelled with tears jaden came over and hugged me you okay "josh called me a bitch" I held back my tears hey it's gonna be okay I'm here now he rubbed my back and picked me up.

what the fuck Jaden mads said storming through the door mads even you know what we go through daily it's over between us and you know it she stormed away upstairs into her room and jaden just hugged me against him "Jaden we can't do this" I said running to the guest room I locked the door nessa please open the door can we talk about this "no josh go away this is over" fuck you bitch I just broke down into tears how dare you call her that

nessa open the door jaden said knocking I opened the door and he engulfed me in a hug I broke down into more tears "did he mean that" my voice breaking in between words he did but it's not right your an amazing girl nessa and he lost a queen he didn't deserve you "thanks Jaden" no problem he said letting go of me "please stay" fine he wrapped his arms back around me but set me on the bed where are your makeup wipes.

"bottom drawer in my bathroom" ok I'll be right back  he left and went into the bathroom and came back to me he grabbed one of the wipes close your eyes silly I closed my eyes as he gently wiped off all my makeup you don't even need this your beautiful without it "your so sweet" I try my hardest now get some sleep I'll be here if you need me I'll sleep on the ground next to the bed "no" okay I'll leave if it makes u too uncomfortable he said getting up "no don't leave get in bed with me" are you sure nessa I don't wanna pressure you into doing something your not comfortable with "please Jaden" fine he said getting into bed next to me I crawled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his and fell asleep pretty fast.

Jadens POV
As I hold nessa against me she starts crying in her sleep and screaming I shake her whole body and she finally wakes up nessa your okay it was just a nightmare I'm right her I said kissing her forehead and holding her even more tightly against my body "thank you Jaden" no problem just get some sleep I'll be right here the whole time he said rubbing my back I peacefully fell asleep against him.

The next morning
Nessas POV
I woke up in jadens arms I instantly freaked out and got out of bed nessa is everything ok "no we cuddled last night everything is not okay" I didn't mind it but if it bothered you I'll make sure it doesn't happen again he said getting up out of bed and grabbing his phone "Jaden wait I didn't mean for it to come out that way" yeah well nessa it did he said leaving the room.
Instantly tears come to my eyes and I start crying maybe I love this boy more than I think no I can't love him I quickly gather myself as I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and seeing two of the people who hate me the most right now I made pancakes sit and eat Jaden says almost demanding me "I'm gonna go get Starbucks I'd rather not talk to you" josh scoffs as I walk away I can feel a presence behind me so I turn around and see Jaden behind me wearing no shirt and a pair of jeans "what do you want" I want to talk nessa I think I over exaggerated this morning "yeah you did Jaden and that's your own fault fix it" that's what I'm trying to do I cut him off by opening my car door "yeah we'll try another way" I slam the door shut and drive off.

15 minute later I pull into the parking lot order a venti pink drink I don't feel hungry anymore after getting my drink I head to the studio "oh hey Travis" hey nessa nice seeing you again "yeah I'm gonna go work on the song" I walk into the studio and there he is Jaden "sorry I'll leave" no it's okay your fine I just need to clear my mind a bit "same that's why I came here" ok well I'll get going "actually can you stay I want your opinion on this song" sure he says sitting back in the chair I go over to the setup and play the song I've been working on I suddenly feel a presence behind me it's amazing just like you my breath hitches "Jaden we can't do this" I try to walk away but he pulls me by his arm back into his chest can't do what he says caressing my cheek with his thumb and getting closer "Jaden no" I elbow him in the stomach and walk out get in the car and drive back to sway as I pull in so does Jaden.

"can you leave me alone" sorry I live here he says as he walks inside after me "just leave me alone Jaden" says the one who doesn't have a room here and doesn't live here I realized what he just said but he's right I don't live here Bryce and josh just look at him then me and look away he storms upstairs as I follow him "Jaden please I need a place to stay" fine come in but don't talk to me "I'm sorry for being a bitch I'm just not ready to move on" I understand and we can just be friends you can stay here and sleep on the bed as long as you want "thanks but it's your bed I'll just sleep on the floor" your not sleeping on the floor my stomach growled pretty loud did you eat anything "I wasn't hungry" you need to eat come on I put the extra pancakes in the fridge come on let's go get you some food he says as he puts his hand on my back as we walk downstairs and into the kitchen he puts the pancakes in the microwave and heats them up and then hands them to me with syrup eat please "thanks Jaden" no problem he says I eat the pancakes.

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Well chapter 1 is done

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Working on another chapter should be out soon

1290 words

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