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As soon as I set my phone down I looked over at nessa we should get going we still need to go shopping tonight and it's already getting late I say wrapping my arm around nessas waist as we get up and walk out of saddle ranch and get in the car.

Nessas POV
As we left saddle ranch and got into the car I wondered why we had to leave "what's going on" nothing baby "don't baby me Jaden tell Me" it's just it's nothing we need to go to target really quick tonight "I'm not going anywhere till you tell me what's going on" fine it's josh he was at saddle ranch I just needed to protect you "you could've just told me" I didn't want him to see us he says as we pull in to the target parking lot and go inside.

jaden puts his hand around my waist as we walk to the baby isle we get the creams lotions and vitamins and then I start looking around "omg look at all this stuff" I say holding up tiny shoes and outfits jaden just smiles you can buy a few gender fluid things baby "really" yes love go ahead I pick out some gender fluid onesies and get a few bottles "ok that's enough until we know the gender" I say kissing him as we walk out of the baby isle as we walk past the clothing section I squeeze jadens hand tighter and try to move him over "can I get some clothes" ofc love but soon your gonna have a bump "I know we can go to the maternity section after this" I say grabbing a few pairs of leggings as I walk to the maternity section and grab some shirts and more pants I notice Jaden isn't behind me anymore so I texted him.

Nessa: baby where are you
Baby: getting a few things I'll meet you at the register
Nessa: okay I love you
Baby: I love you too

As I finished in the maternity section I felt someone's hands on my waist and I turned around "what the hell are you doing" I'm here for you he says looking me in the eyes "leave me alone josh" honestly I'd rather not I like seeing you afraid of me he says as he takes my hand in his I instantly pull it away "don't touch me" now don't be rude to your boyfriend "josh your fucking delusional I'm engaged to Jaden" not for long he says as he leans in and kisses me I try to pull away but I can't what the fuck is going on I hear jaden say as josh pulls away "it's not what it looks like".

well it looks like my fiancé is kissing her ex "jaden please that's not what this is" hey calm down it's for the best anyway josh says smirking jaden walks away I try to walk after him but josh grabs my hand "leave me alone and don't ever touch me again" I say pushing him as I run after jaden I get informs of him "jaden baby look at me" jaden looks down at me with tears in his eyes "I didn't kiss him" bullshit nessa I saw you he says as he walks away "jaden please don't leave us I didn't kiss him he pushed me against the wall and I couldn't get away".

he what Jaden says coming back over to me "he pushed me into a wall I couldn't get away otherwise I would have I would never cheat or kiss anyone other than you Jaden" as I say those words he picks me up and kisses me I'm sorry I assumed baby I'm so so sorry he says as he rubs my back we go and pay for the stuff I got as we walk out of the target and get in our car Jaden puts his hand on my thigh and I put my hand on top of his we need to talk to a wedding planner soon tomorrow we get to see our child he says moving his hand up to my stomach "I can't wait" 10 minutes later we pull into sway and grab the bags I bought you all of your favorite snacks and restocked your snack drawer Jaden says as he walks upstairs we get in bed together and i cuddle into his as he puts his arms around me we both fall asleep.

I wake up to my body being shaked "what's going on" baby wake up I made you breakfast in bed jaden says moving a strand of hair out of my eyes "aww thank you baby" no problem love he says kissing me as I start eating I feel nauseous I move the plate to the table and run to the bathroom jaden runs after me he holds my hair back and rubs my back as I throw up in the toilet I'm so sorry baby.

"it's okay it's worth it" I say as I wipe my mouth off and brush my teeth Jaden standing behind me as I turn around and gave him he kisses me and we start making out as I pull away I walk to the closet and get dressed I look at my self in the mirror and then I feel jadens hands behind me as I raise up my shirt babe look he says as he puts his hand over my stomach "the bump" i say as I put my hands over his it's so cute now get ready we have our first ultrasound today are you finished eating "mhm I'm not really hungry anyway" I say not looking up at him in the mirror stop lying and come and finish breakfast he says taking my hand in his and tucking my shirt back into place we sit down on the bed and eat breakfast I grab my phone and he grabs the car keys and we leave sway and go to the doctors office.

30 minutes later we pull in at the office and I go to the window name please "nessa Barrett" ahh yes the doctor will be out shortly please take a seat I then sit beside Jaden a few minutes later my name is called and we follow the doctor into the room ok I'm gonna need you to lay on the table and tuck your shirt up this gel is gonna be cold she says as I lay down on the table and tuck my shirt up I grab Jadens hand and he smiles at me the doctor moves the wand around and then moves her monitor over and walks out of the room "what's going on" suddenly another doctor walks in and looks at the monitor and nods and then leaves "can someone tell me what's going on" well miss Barrett it seems as if...

Authors corner
Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger
Don't forget to vote please leave a comment I wanna know what u think of the story so far
Also the vmas are tonight and I really hope Jaden wins..
1,200 words

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