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Nessas POV
As I woke up I look over and see Jaden crying I realize I'm in a hospital bed "what's going on" I say baby your awake He says hugging me I gently wipe away his tears "Jaden why am I in a hospital bed" you fainted after we got off the plane and I was worried so we rushed you here "I'm okay right" I say looking at Jaden as the nurse walks in yes we just have to monitor you are u aware that u have low blood sugar the doctor says looking at me "no I had no idea" well that caused the dizzy spell and nausea we got it back up to normal you should be just fine the doctor says leaving the room "baby how's Bryce doing" we will talk about that later for now we need you to get better "Jaden tell me before I find out myself" baby he didn't make it the doctors tried everything he was in pain they unplugged him and donated his organs last night he says as he gets into bed with me tears stream down my face "how's addi I need to see her" she won't talk to any of us she blames herself "where's my phone" right here he says handing me my phone no one on social media knows yet we weren't ready to tell them as I go through my phone I call addi she answers.

Addi: nessa is this you
Nessa: addi I need you please
Addi: I'm on my way
She hangs up the phone

As Jadens  cuddling me 10 minutes later Addison walks in oh hey Jaden addi says looking at us Addison he says looking up at her he instantly gets out of bed with me and hugs her "I feel left out" addi lets go of Jaden and comes over and hugs me "how are you doing" I'm okay it was one of the hardest things I've went through but he's been in a better place I was getting worried about you you weren't answering any of us Jaden says coming over and sitting beside me I needed a break and it gave me a reason to live I'm pregnant with bryces baby she says rubbing her stomach "omg congratulations" I say hugging her just as we stop hugging the nurse comes in I've got good news your welcome to go home your doing very well "thank you doctor addi do u think u can help me with something" sure she says as the doctor leaves the room "I need my clothes" here Jaden says handing me some clothes Addi helps me into the bathroom I take off the hospital gown she helps me into the clothes "thank you so much Addi but I have an idea" what is it "I wanna move into sway I think me and Jaden could help revamp sway and turn it into what Bryce was trying to achieve" I think that's a great idea I'll call the boys and tell them to start unpacking your house with the spare key "thank you so much" no problem I'm gonna go back to sway and tell them now and u need to tell Jaden by the time u get back to sway everyone should be gone "thank you so much I'll see you later" I'll see you later bestie she says leaving the bathroom and the room I walk out to Jaden.

"where's my ring" right here do u want it back "yes yes please" here he says taking my hand and sliding the ring back on my finger he grabs the bags and carries me out of the room and out of the hospital he helps me into the car and buckles me in "I'm not helpless" yeah well I'm taking care of you either way he says as he closes the door as he gets in the car and starts driving I look at him "babe I have an idea" mhm he says as he continues driving "I think we should move into sway and take it over and redo it the way Bryce would want I already told Addi and she's having the boys move our stuff" wait slow down u already told Addi without even asking me he says as he pulls over "I- yeah I guess I did I'm sorry" no no it's okay just next time talk to me about it before you tell Addi I'm okay with it he says leaning over and kissing me as he starts driving back to sway he puts his hand on my thigh I put my hand on top of his 15 minutes later we pull in to sway and park as we get inside tears come to my eyes.

"it's not the same without him" I know but we all have to move on his funeral is tomorrow and we should all be there Jaden says hugging me as we sit on the couch "everything reminds me of Bryce I miss his laugh and his voice" we will have to clean out his room eventually "no please no can u lock his door" I mean yeah I'm sure I can till we are all ready but we need to tell social media "can we wait for the other boys to get home then we can all talk" ofc love we also need to tell them about our engagement "mhm can u cuddle me" sure he says chuckling as he sets my body against his on the couch and wraps his arms around me as the boys walk in with addi in front of them and set our things down in the hallway and they came over to us and sat down on the couch I think we all should talk Jaden says breaking the silence about what Blake says looking up for his phone I think we should tell social media that Bryce is gone addi just started crying and came over and hugged me I let go of Jaden and hugged her back as tears swelled my eyes "I want to lock his door until we are ready to clean it out and we are all emotionally okay" I say speaking up as all the boys agree we post it on social media and see all the comments flooding in "is there a room me and Jaden can live in" yeah umm across from bryces room to the left Blake says handing Jaden two keys the one is for bryces room lock the door the other is for your room he says as he wipes his tears Jaden comes over and picks me up and takes me upstairs and sets me in our bed I'll be right back he says kissing me and then leaving

Jadens POV
As I leave the room I'm torn at how much this is affecting everyone I'm trying to be there for everyone especially my fiancé I'm holding back my tears as I lock bryces door for good and go downstairs and grab me and nessas things and bring them into our room when I hear her sniffling under the sheets in our bed baby are you okay love "I just these edits I miss him I miss him so much" I know I know we all do I say rubbing her back as she cries into my shoulder addi was about to enter the room but didn't and closed our door lightly hey do u wanna do something that will make everyone happy I say taking her hand in mine "we could tell them about being- she says as I interrupt her mhm only if u want to "can we please tell them" she says looking at me excitedly ofc love let's go tell them I say taking her hand in mine as we open our bedroom door and walk downstairs.

Nessas POV
As we walk downstairs I smile at Jaden and he throws me onto the couch lightly "house meeting" I yell suddenly everyone ran downstairs "we have something to tell all of you" I say looking over at Jaden as they all sit on the couch.

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