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After such an eventful morning filled with drama! I was just curious to know more about my saviour Aditya. I am like this only I see a guy I get butterflies coz they are legit aliens to me.

I was attending my online classes and chatting side by side. The situation of half of the students in online classes.

After they were done I realized I needed a few pens and my lazy ass was avoiding buying them for 5 days. I wanted to order them online but then saw my body and decided it would be a good reason to lose weight.

I left my house with some money contemplating whether to use stairs or the lift. While stairs would have been a good option I didn't want the kids again.

My head just looked up in the direction of Aditya's house and I smiled. Uff this guy will  definitely be trouble.

I entered the lift only to realise that Mr.aditya just walked in too. So great we are gonna share the lift.

He smiled when he saw me? I smiled back and here we were in silence I was just hoping he wouldn't judge me for using the lift when stairs were what I needed.

Those few seconds felt like years. When suddenly the lift shook stopped and fell down. So wow we were stuck!

I turned towards Aditya and his hands were shivering he was fidgeting all of a sudden. I was surprised as he had no reaction but was lost in his own world..

He suddenly removed his coat.(damn those arms🤩😍)

Shut up I whispered to myself which was ofcourse audible. Aditya just looked at me confused and went back to his fidgeting self..

Something was wrong wait I am stuck and I didn't even panic like I am standing here doing nothing when I wanted to get out of here a few minutes ago.. my brain just had these thoughts and I was confused af.

And Aditya opens the first button of his shirt and starts banging the lift door. He stamps his feet and something clicked in my mind

Prerna- " are u claustrophobic?"

Aditya just nodded his head. And soon there was even more banging. I gave him the water I carried in my bag . He refused initially but took it  I pressed the help button on lift.

He started panicking badly with feet stomping and it felt like he was dizzy he was about to fall. In that moment I did what I never intended to but this was way more important than debating what's right or wrong.

I held his hands preventing him to fall. Looking dead straight in his eyes which had fear I told him to calm down.

I started taking deep breaths giving instructions to follow me he did the same.

Prerna - " here, have a chocolate it will help to calm down the anxiety "

Do u think a guy this hot even looks at chocolate? And here was my brain mocking me again.

Sometimes I wonder why do my brain, conscience , and mouth just don't align. And my heart is on another trip beating so fast that he can hear it.

Where is help!! Ughh

To my surprise, Aditya immediately took the chocolate unwrapped it, and ate it so quickly. He then looked at me and muttered a thank you. I was relieved that he spoke something. He was still restless but it decreased a bit. I was glad he didn't faint. This experience was a bit strange since I never thought something like this would ever happen.

Soon the watchman came with the repair guy and we came out of the lift. Aditya wore his coat back drank water from the bottle I gave him. He then turned towards me and smiled very broadly

His smile is so endearing. It was the smile that could bring angels to the earth. I couldn't help but smile back. He gave me my bottle back.

Aditya- Thank you so much!

Prerna- Are you feeling better? I am sorry if I did anything I shouldn't do I was completely clueless.

I said with a nervous chuckle

Aditya- I am fine and you saved my life. You did nothing wrong.

I just nodded not knowing what to do.

Aditya- What's your name?

Prerna- Prerna. Prerna Dixit.

Aditya forwarded his hand towards me. Smiling he said:

Aditya Rajwansh. Nice to meet you!

I was contemplating whether I should have a handshake or not but my hand on its own just moved towards his hand and greeted him.

That second I had butterflies in my stomach. A feeling I thought I would only be able to read in books.

We both moved our hands apart. Both of us just stood there in silence for 2 minutes. I guess I made him awkward and just stared at the ground.

Aditya cleared his throat and I looked up at him. This silence discomforted me but I didn't wanna leave his presence.

Prerna- I think I should leave.

He nodded.

And I left. I didn't know I could be this awkward around someone but I couldn't be outgoing for the sake of god.


I know this part was short and maybe a little boring. I hope I redeem by the next chapter!

Do vote and comment and let me know what u think will happen next!

Also, do we have Aditya pov?

The Emotional Mess [SLOW UPDATES]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें