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This chapter will be from Aditya's pov giving insights about his personality.

Also, the chapter where "that guy" gets a name😂.

 He will be called Krish!

Aditya Rajwansh

Let me give my basic introduction like a 6-year-old.

 I am Aditya. I am 15 years old. I shifted to this place yesterday. I have even changed my school.

So far this society seems to be treating me well. Krish met me first and introduced me to his friends as well. We are planning to play football today. I kinda like football.

I also am a good singer and one of those guys over whom girls swoon over. I don't wanna be bratty, but it's the truth😂

Although I have met so many neighbors of mine already, I am still yet to meet the ones who stay opposite my flat. I love the smell of food that comes from their house. I hope I get to meet them soon so I can have a taste of their food which I am sure is amazing, after all, it smells great!!

(Wow! Mr. Aditya Rajwansh, you are selfish.)

 And my other half-soul mocked...

My phone started ringing. I picked the phone up and saw the name which flashed anger ran through my veins, and I dropped my phone on the bed.

I wish I could throw it down, but I can't keep going to the repair shop 12 to 13 times every month. At this point, that guy is willing to even give me discounts to not break the phone screen!

I just diverted my mind to today's match so that I don't waste my time dwelling upon that stupid call.

It was evening and Krish and I was playing football with the society boys. They had a team which played with football groups of other societies. It was a tournament sorta arrangement. 

They were impressed with my skills and that's when I told them I was the football captain in my last school. With this statement, I have assured a place in this team along with some great buddies.

Making friends was never a task for me. It was the easiest thing. I wonder at times why do some people complain about having no friends.

I shoo away my thoughts only to realize Krish kicked the ball in the wrong direction and it hit someone. I lifted my eyes to see in that direction and it hit a girl. It seemed like the ball hit her badly. Turns out instead of apologizing he called the girl herself a ball. I don't know why was this funny to everyone. I mean since when did mocking someone's appearance become cool.

She took the ball, hit him, and left. Well, I must say she's feisty!! He honestly deserved it.

I low-key felt like a coward for not confronting Krish but then he got his due so it's fine.

Krish - This girl!! How dare she hit me?

 He said in anger and left. I honestly don't understand what's wrong with him. As he hit her she hit him back. It's the same deal at the end.

Since he left we decided to leave too.

The next morning I opened the door to take the newspaper when I saw Krish standing outside with his mother. And she was shouting.

(Wow! Finally some drama!!) 

I shooed away my thoughts and turned a little to understand the situation. I saw the girl who was hit yesterday. I understood that Krish came with his mother to complain. But I didn't understand why is she not standing up for herself and is just shy and coy..

Krish saw me and asked for my support and accidentally referred to the girl as ball again. It really annoyed me so I decided to just be true to myself. All eyes were on me when my eyes met hers. There was some sort of fear and nervousness in them, she immediately looked at the ground. I told the truth only to see surprise in her eyes.

Krish was disappointed but it was better than feeling like a coward. Everyone left that's when I smiled at her, she smiled back and her eyes had the feeling of assurance.

 She shyly muttered a thank you looking at the ground. It intrigued me how she was fierce yesterday and today was so quiet.

She looked up at me and I nodded and left. I wanted to talk to her but at the same time didn't know what to say. I am really good with words and can have conversations with such ease. But at that moment giving her some time was all that I felt was correct.

I was supposed to join school today but they told me to join from tomorrow as they have extra classes.

It was afternoon and I decided to have lunch from outside. As I was leaving I couldn't help but look at the opposite flat and when I entered the lift she entered too. Coincidences definitely exist. 

I just smiled at her at this thought and she smiled back.

We both were then standing in awkward silence and that's when the lift stopped working and fell down. I didn't wanna scare her but I couldn't control my emotions. I was claustrophobic and my hands started shivering. I noticed she looked at me but I was just too occupied at this moment.

I took my coat off as I felt even more suffocated. That's when she said shut up, I didn't understand why she said it tho. I couldn't hold any longer and desperately needed to get out of this lift.

That's when she asked whether am I claustrophobic with concern all over her face. I nodded.

 I opened the button of my shirt and I became even more fidgety. She quickly gave me her water bottle and I hesitantly drank from it. She pressed the help button on the lift and also offered me chocolate.

I ate it as it diverted my mind. I don't know whether it was her presence or the chocolate but it really calmed me down. 

 She saved me from fainting.

Within a few minutes we came out of the lift and wore my coat back and that's when I thanked her after drinking more water from her bottle. 

 I smiled towards her and she smiled back. It was one of the most beautiful smiles I had seen.

She asked me if I was fine. I never imagined any of these things ever happening but the thought that she was worried for me really at that moment made me happy.

You know the feeling you get when someone actually cares about you. Something so real and not pretentious that's the vibe I got.

I asked her name and extended my hand towards her after she said her name. I genuinely wanted us to talk more but it was just the awkward silence we had. The silence was a bit comfortable too.

Calling this scene complicated would really be an understatement. I cleared my throat and she told me she should leave. I just nodded but at that moment I really didn't want her to go.

I am never this conscious but for the first time I wished a girl wouldn't think bad about me. 


I hope this chapter gave clarity about Aditya.

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