VOLUME 4 Chapter 6

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It was once again Morning, and the trio was again ready to go out for the day. The Countess was already ready to go. Asking Paul on what they're gonna do for the day.

"So... what's on the list?"

Her demeanor was upbeat and she was visibly excited to roam around the modern city. Bahamut who has been around is not excited but instead curious of the Vampire's thoughts. So far, she and Paul had only fought Vampires and interacted with them on special occasions in Dark World.

"Well, I'd like to see if I could buy some disguises. Modern clothing doesn't really fit the aesthetic of this world."

"Finally, my specialty!"

"It better not be expensive, OR far away woman. Let's keep it all within a block."

After twenty minutes of driving, Paul's face is visibly bored and his back is slouching from staring at shop names for so long. He got so bored that his eyes instead wandered off to restaurants and food stands and was talking to the driver about fast food, but after a few more minutes Alana found a shop named "Medieval Linteum" with the slogan "For all your Old Time Outfit needs", it was written both in English and Dragonian. A language she knows very well being the widely used one. Alana tells them to stop and opens the passenger side door, going straight inside. Paul, the driver and Bahamut are left thinking "Well, she's excited."

Inside, they're met with a middle aged man wearing a Nobleman's outfit. Complete with the decorative sword. The shop had the decor of an old time Mansion, filled to the brim with the most famous outfits used in the Medieval Era. Ranging from Village Clothes, Castle Guard, Knight to a Noble and Kings. Paul immediately goes to the counter and asks the man for price ranges with the Dragon while the Countess was already picking outfits.

"Yea, so Two Silver to Ten Gold..."

"Yep, and I assure you these might have the same look as the ones they had back then, but these ones are better insulated, better cloth are also used, some I even personally enchant."

"I guess those are within the Ten Gold price range?"

"Ha! Stuff like that are the ones you'd see in the backroom. And we also accept Aeralous and Maximallus currencies. Derkav we sadly have no exchange for."

"Interesting, I am a businessman myself and I never really wrapped myself around the economy of this foreign land."

"It's not simple due to the large and small Kingdoms that litter the land, but the general idea is that there's a certain currency widely used, aka the Aeralous and Maximallus. But there's also minor ones like Tenner and Rugertart from smaller but major trading hub nations."

"Uh huh, and which country currently has the biggest stockpile of money?"

Already, Alana approached him. Her left arm full of outfits, using her right hand, she tugs Paul's jacket. Dragging him to the changing room while he was still busy talking to the shop owner about economics. Now curious about the couple, he follows them, entertaining their questions on the way.

"I see, well if it's a disguise. Those Villager outfits you picked ma'am are perfect. If you want custom ones, I'd be more than happy to oblige."

"Oh no thank you, we're in a rush."

Changing into the outfit, Paul reveals himself. Absolutely dumbfounded at the need for two belts.

"Exactly why are there two belts? And what's with this vest?"

"Hmmm... it looks good on you." Patting his shoulder, the shop owner then proceeds to comment even more.

"With that normal but handsome face of yours, you can actually pull that off without that much problem."

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