VOLUME 4 Chapter 8

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Returning to City 01, the trio enjoyed the amenities of a modern society for a few days till representatives of the Architectural Guilds were present at the City Hall, along with them a Locomotive Engineer. Paul was called to the Conference room while Alana and Bahamut were forced to wait in the main lobby. There, two player generals from the Men of the Woods and One man from the Space Faring Guild in a lab coat wait.

"General Paul I assume."

"Yes, good afternoon everyone."

After getting seated and relaxed. The man in the Scientist spoke first.

"I have faith in the three of you, the rocket booster parts are EXTREMELY expensive and complex to manufacture. Three Generals... all level two hundred... I hope you'll be able to deliver. If only you people knew how hard it was to produce these things in Dark World and then assemble them in an Isekai World. This is no joke, you people, I don't care if you're fifteen or eighteen, you have power and you have lots of it. I'm entrusting to you all our hopes and dreams."

"Just as you trusted us in producing and making those rocket parts back then, we'll see through it till the end. Our Ally here should be able to keep things in check."

A man wearing an outfit similar to Indiana Jones barges in the conference room, getting the attention of everyone.

"Ah, Professor. What brings you here?"

The man was extremely frantic, going to the front of the desk, slamming it with his bare hands. His German accent was strong, screaming from the top of his head.

"The Sarcophagus! It's on that train!"

Confused, Paul raises his hand and speaks up.

"A Mummy?"



The Doctor then stood up. Pointing his finger at the Professor.

"You moron! Why is it on the train carrying such important cargo!?"

"It was to protect it! There's people after it and we can't let it go into their hands! It wasn't even in the Manifest for the supply ship! It was added by a third party!"

"You should've told your men to not pick up on evacuation!"

"Do you seriously think I had the time when my people were getting mauled by giant wolves and scalped by Elves?!"

One of the Generals of the Men of the Wood slams the desk. Prompting the two Experts to silence.

"Now... what's this Vampire Queen about again?"

Calmed and scared, the Professor opens his pouch and reveals the photos of the English and Japanese text they found on the Ancient Labyrinth. The three Generals were amazed.

"WOAH! Do you have evidence on who wrote that?" The Generals from the Men of the Woods and Paul were ecstatic to learn they weren't the first ones.

"Read it, General. All of you, read it!"

Minutes came and the three generals leaned. Paul, still processing the information, tries to speak with what he's getting.

"So... an ancient Vampire, the one that has almost enslaved the humanity of this world... is inside that train?"

"In a Specialized Containment Boxcar, used to transport Mana nukes."

One of the General annoyingly comments.

"Exactly how did you know this Doctor? Seeing your reaction."

"I had to dig around and check for the manifest. I told them to move it to the front."

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