VOLUME 7 Chapter 8

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Inside a private plane, Bahamut with her legs crossed is watching the clouds as the luxury private aircraft flies through the dangerous skies of Schon. The occasional Drake flock and Dragon sighting made life hard for the Pilots, having to weave through the airspace to avoid getting shot down or chased. Soon, the Learjet descends below the clouds, revealing a bountiful forest as far as the eye could see. It was more luscious and alive than any forest in Dark World, prompting the woman to look in awe of the beautiful sight and extremely far in the distance, she could see faint explosions and tracers flying into the skies.

"Mister Harken, are the frontlines near?"

"Oh wow, how did you know? Uh, it is yes. This land was recently taken, so you'd see a lot of skeletons roaming around, securing everything and making sure no combatants are left."

"And who am I expecting in the Labyrinth?"

"That I do not know yet, but we're hoping to get another Dragon in as we believe there's a Warlord Demon in its last floor."

"Hm, finally. This could be a worthy opponent. What is this warlord demon?"

"They call it the Dedatoru... or in English... Megademonus. This thing is said to be the reason the second Hero from the first Demon King met an untimely end. A literal force of nature and all its anger cobbled up into a ten meter demonic mass that wields an ancient sword."

"Anything else? Why do you keep so many secrets? If the Queen was here, she'd already given you all an earful. I've already gone out of my way to accept this mission from you."

"I apologize, but we're on the frontlines. Can't really say much till we're on the ground and in a secured location. Though I hope you'll be able to use your powers to help us. The Countess had done great to make you do this."

"Hmph. It's only that her books and Royal records said that a rare plant exists somewhere in this region. The Stars might've aligned but be reminded, I'm not doing this because I stand under your flag. The only flag I stand upon is my Masters."

"No worries, no strings attached as the Countess said. Just help us here and you'll be able to keep whatever plant or treasure is hidden in that place and we have our own thing to investigate and research upon and it doesn't involve the plant you're looking for."

Though Bahamut could smell through their fib, she has no choice but to follow through. Within the next minute, the Learjet lands on an open patch of land that was visibly just bulldozed and paved hastily a few hours ago. The rough landing made the fuselage rock like a rollercoaster and threw around books and cups that weren't properly kept on the final approach.

As soon as the aircraft stops and the door opens. Bahamut was the first to leave. Looking around, she's shocked at how little snowfall there was though there was build up, it was way too small to hinder anything and the quality of the air was far better than in the vampire city. Facing the hangar, she could see an old familiar face with a soldier. Wearing the greenest Knight armor she'd seen in her entire life and holding a mighty greatsword with one hand as if it weighed the same as a feather. The strange man turns around, revealing his bushy beard and buzz cut hair. Nonchalantly, he waves at her and Bahamut returns it with a light bow while in the background, one could hear the sonic boom of jets and artillery firing from a distant location.

"I see you know each other."

"Rah Lee... it has been long."

Meanwhile, Bahamut's face remains blank. Looking at the familiar person with her hands together.

"Go and greet him ma'am. I'll talk to the Colonel about transporting you two to the site. Seems that they renewed the offensive the moment we arrived."

She politely walks to the Hangar, two hands still tied together and with her head looking down a bit to not gain the attention of the players that know full well who she is. Getting close to the Knight, her hand was taken and the two shook hands.

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