VOLUME 14 Chapter 8

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Upon his order, the Outpost went haywire on what had to be done. With the Lieutenant of the base having to make a two hour trip to the nearest base with a long range comms and ask for a helicopter transport.

Walking out of the officers quarters, Jackson stops at the foot of the lone two storey building in the area as a white horse darbed in the flags of the Holy See, ridden by a beautiful armored maiden arrives. "As per our agreement. Here are the originals." handing over the resealed letters, she takes it and nods. "Thank you, Jackson. I'll be sure to show this to Bishop Archhein as soon as possible." He tips his cap as she disembarks her mount.

"I believe this is a custom from your planet, yes?" she reaches out her hand and he gladly takes it as an electrifying shiver was sent to his spine. In his head, he could sense a sneering stare from the doors of the UN Outpost of Janishaire. "Thank you for your help too. This was not easy at all but with the stuff we got. I can now act on my own accord." He then turns to the center of the city, the Cathedral's tall towers peeking through the sea of houses. "I really hope you'll live a long and happy life, Julie."

With a bit of a blush and a big wide smile on her face. She nodded aggressively. "Hm! I shall! A sword maiden like me isn't easy to defeat! I hope you return to your world, Jackson. Go back to your loved ones and the people you treasure." he looked down on the curb and nodded. "Yeah. I sometimes dream of them. This month, we'd be celebrating my Mother's birthday. We'd go eat at buffets and then at night, eat pizza." Shrugging, the man then helped her back on her horse as she disappeared at the junction.

"My Lord, have you ever participated in a Coup before?" he jumps as her presence was suddenly felt by the man. "A-Ah... no. Not really. I've only been on the other side. Doing Peacekeeping work after the war." With a sigh, he sits on the curb, watching the Elves and other non Human beings go about their day in the area. "After the victory. Our leaders never really thought that giving modern weapons and exosuits to tribals that've been at war even before Jesus was born would generate so much chaos."

Resting his chin on his palm as the Queen stood next to him, her hands on her hips. He breathes in. "These people... I've never seen it before. They were all willing to wipe people from their own country, heck region just because they spoke a little differently. They had the same history, skin color, creed, and religion. But the French weren't smart enough to draw better lines on the map to avoid bloodshed." He then looked up to the blonde beauty, she was gleaming in the darb area. An icon of civility in a not so civil place. "Why'd you ask?"

"Because this will all lay down on how fast one can be, My Lord."

"What do you mean?"

"You know where their place of power is?"

"Maltese? Well, he's inside the Capitol, right?"

"Then, we must be steadfast and violent. We picked the worst city to siege, My Lord." leaning down, she had her left hand on her back and right on her knee. With a stylish and upfront posture, the Queen had a smile to her that could knock out the strongest of brutes. "We built our Capitol on a flat plain grass so that we could detect oncoming armies way before they could reach the walls. With your modern vehicles, you should be able to close that gap. Though... Do you take Maltese to be the type to be violent?"

He instantly shrugs. "No. Maltese is Military Intelligence. These types would rather have ten plans than to do things my way. You also brought up a great point having Zavalda's National Guard on the front, he'd have to make a choice to engage the most Veteran unit in the entirety of the UN. One that has upfront experience in the Demon Army."

"Heh. You seem to already know what to do then. In terms of our demands, what shall it be?"

"I already got some in my mind. I'll save it for when I'm there. Maltese will have a taste of everything that's been in my mind."

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