VOLUME 6 Prelude

276 10 3

A lone Bradley rolls through the muddy terrain of Western Schon, after passing through the dead sands, they've now found themselves in the deep muddy forest. Most of the paths that lead to the second phase line that they're planning to establish were tight and small roads meant for carriages.

"Driver, continue forward. The convoy should be around here."

The blonde well groomed Lieutenant Colonel was proudly showing his black beret as his IFV rolled through the muddied countryside. Soon, he could see clouds of smoke coming out of the tall trees.

"Vlad, this doesn't look good."

"Блядь. At least check for the fuel, we can keep going without the ammo, but gas we need. Priyom."

"Yea, but don't get your hopes up."

Soon, the muddy road gets worse as the path is full of tracks of the wheels of varying sizes of trucks and equipment. In some parts, it got so bad that there were large puddles of dirt coloured water. Soon, he could see the back of an M1A2C with its MUSK armor all detonated.

"Gunner, is it a K kill?"

"Looks to be sir, the Magical Urban armor did its job but seeing that smoke from its engine bay tells me more than I have to."

"Fuck. Any players?"

Zooming in, the gunner could only see the corpses of the mindless skeletons.

"Negative sir, just the goons."

"Fuuuck, did they run?! We had no respawns from this convoy."

"Desertion sir?"

"Either that or these dumbheads made a run for it, I think we'll soon be seeing people respawn at the bases as the local fauna starts eating them up."

Passing through the Abrams, they notice its upper right side is completely blown off to the point you can see the driver seat from outside and the steel arrows embedded on the ground next to it makes the LTC shake his head and perform a facepalm. Soon, the Bradley starts rolling next to abandoned trucks, the entire muddy road was slowly getting bottlenecked with them, MTVRs, M939s, Ural 4320s, and Kamaz trucks all lay in ruin, most of them having there doors left open and there windshields cracked by arrows. Most startling was that the tankers were completely blown off.

Soon, the small path became blocked as piles and piles of military trucks and recovery vehicles lay in waste, many seems to have tried to turn around, but the smoke further down tells him that they've blocked all the front and back of the convoy and massacred the vehicles in the middle. He removes his Beret, revealing his buzz cut blonde hair as he strokes the top of his skull, his jaw just open at the horrendous sight.

"John! Colonel John! Do you copy priyom? What's the status of the convoy?!"

"Fuck, its all wasted Vlad. Nothing here but abandoned trucks."

"What?! Ты, должно быть, издеваешься надо мной! That is about a hundred to two hundred vehicles John! Are the tankers at least intact?!"

"Negative, this is a shitshow. Where the fuck was air cover?"

"Didn't they get delayed? This isn't exactly our home comrade John."

"Well shit, now what? We won't be able to move forward. Do you copy Vlad? If this continues, we'll be sitting ducks tomorrow with low ammo and no gas!"

"We made do, return now, I'll call it in and have men recover vehicles and report that the entire thing is fucked."

Making his way back to the frontlines, he almost got stuck multiple times on the way there as the mud got worse and worse, and the terrain never having to take in such weight of the vehicles. In a large patch of open forest lay hundreds of Main Battle Tanks and IFVs from both Guilds, all lying in wait for fuel and ammo. The blonde Lieutenant Colonel exits out of the Bradley as he passes through columns of idling vehicles. Unable to continue their push, soon he sees Dimitri in his green Ratnik armor, talking to other players with what's the next step.

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