VOLUME 5 Chapter 1

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"Oh my, you look handsome. Why did you look down again? Hath the new generation of Vampires forgotten their First Queen?"

"What sick trick is this? Did the Agent finally give up playing nice guy?" Though trembling, his voice was still calm, visibly confused at the situation.

"No. He just got tired of you being a snarky motherfucker as he stated in his notes."

"Heh, I refuse to believe this is real. Tell the Agent to try better."

"Then don't. But you will tell me why you've spied on this place and who ordered you to." The Queen's eyes turn Gold, showing her exercise of power.

"King Harold requested that we find out about the power struggle occurring in the Continent of Geraldia. We then got shocking information that the strangers from another land, the Outworlders, have the power to reach the stars. We were sent to find out what magic or technology they used to achieve this."

"See? That wasn't so hard wasn't it?" Her earnest smile makes the Vampire Spy enamored but also scared.

"You really are the Queen..."

"Yes, now would you be a sweetie and help me out here?"

"Is this for revenge? Since the Vampire Kingdom sided with the Saint millenniums ago?"

"Foolishness. If I wanted to survive, I would've prepared for it and did. But, that wasn't what I was trying to achieve, thus I merely let him end me, for the sake of everyone. Was my husband properly buried? I never did thank him... for everything. May the Gods rest his soul."

"What's changed? New hair? Heh. Yes, he had a Heroes Burial and is located at your former Castle with a shiny plaque."

"I see the Agent is right, even in front of the most powerful Vampire to exist, you jest your attitude."

"Hehe, I have a thing for pretty ladies and the Books weren't lying when they say you were a beautiful no Vampire could surpass. I can't help but look at you and your beautiful blonde hair and pretty face."

"Thank you, please do shower me with more compliments. My ego is a bit rattled after getting defeated by three mere Knights."


"Yes, hence I'm now giving the man who ended me my services. I'd tally that dost's eyes would not believe it, but it hath happened. Thou should be afraid, not of me but of these humans."

"What an interesting time we're living in... Your Majesty..."

"Now, would you tell me what you found out at the Space Center?"

"Blue paper with all sorts of drawings. It was complex but it seemed to be how they built the machines to the stars."

The Queen relaxes, but she never takes her eyes off the man. With a straight and elegant posture, she exercised her authority just by being there.

"Good. You aren't even trying to hold back my authority."

"It's no use anyways."

"I expected more from the special team I made to perform intelligence but I guess time degrades everything... including the best."

"Is that all ma'am?"

"Where did you hide it?"

"Too late your Majesty. The Whittlebird we summoned is already headed back to the Kingdom."

"It's route?"

"A direct North. To be collected by a messenger dressed in a brown cloak and leather armor. He'd be wearing a special amulet, the one you made to mark your Spies."

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