VOLUME 11 Chapter 4

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Rolling out of the large alleyway on the left side of the grayish building. The General with his hands on the wheels of the dark green convertible 1972 Ford Mustang takes to the empty streets. Now on the open road, he then starts putting the pedal down. Making the machine's engine roar. "Now watch this." Pushing a button, the roof folds on itself and the cold air is felt in its fullest.

With the gust of the wind running through the air, the long hair of the three women was in full bloom as he drove the old vintage car on the street. With the towering gray buildings full of glass and steel, now abandoned and empty. The road was lonesome but the group made it lively with their smiles and relaxation as the General drove them through the now vacant asphalt. The only traces of the once lively atmosphere of it was the litter that'd occasionally blow to there path and the tire markings on the intersections before the lights.

A black cat could be seen in an unattended alleyway and the feline hissing as the Dragon in return growled loudly and made it scram into the darkness of the city's towering figure.

Bahamut was in the passenger seat with Elizabeth and Alana on the back. All of them taking in the sights of the city. With calm and collected breathing, they all smiled inside the car. Driving through the now empty two lane road. The only thing they encountered was the loose newspaper page being flown by the early year air. The powerful gust made the A/C of the car useless as they approached the heart of the city where the military was most active. With no traffic, stop lights only blinking yellow, and the sound of the engine and the rush of air, the moment of solemnity made the group silent for a moment.

As he made a turn that leads to the Park near the Commercial District, Jackson looks at the internal rear view mirror

"Hahahahaha, nice isn't it?"

"M'Lord, I can see the appeal of this now."

"What about you Elizabeth?"

"Hm, it feels nice having the wind hit my face like this. It's as if I am flying but without my wings."

"Exactly! What about you Bahamut?"

The sailor uniformed lady had her head out on the passenger side, without her crown and veil. She was letting the air fully hit her pale face as the General sped up even more and let them all enjoy the feel of the car.

"This is the life. I actually do this a lot back on Earth. Just driving around on my vacation. Enjoying the sights of the world and its way better now."

"Because you have three women to accompany you, M'Lord?"

"You got that right! Ahahahaha, wanna drive Alana?"

"I'd rather not, M'Lord. It took me a long time to master the horse. A machine... I would need to learn it from inside and out."

"It's so easy, just put it in drive and use your feet to press onto the accelerator. Don't mind the mechanics stuff, you can just think it away."

"And when you break down, M'Lord?"

"You either try to fix it or call a tow! Happened to me two times and twice I got it to work again!"

"Maybe after, M'Lord. When we could leisurely spend our time."

"Okay then. Just remember that one day, Threa will also have its own brand of cars and types of it! Be ready when it comes!"

"My Lord, may I ask something?"


"Do all humans on Earth have their own automobile?"

"Many do. But not everyone, most take public transport. I take public transport more than I drive since I am a lazy guy and I'd rather take the chance to sleep on the bus on the way to work."

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