VOLUME 7 Chapter 5

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The Queen disappeared by their very eyes. Even though they were all veteran players of Dark World, none of them expected the speed and agility of a woman wearing a dress and in high heels. She appears once again, this time only a handful of steps close to them. Her blonde hair, sparkling and floating joyously with a golden and divine effect, and the dirt surrounding her started to float as she sucks the mana from the very air they breathe and converts them into nothing but raw power. Using it as an alternative to her lack of blood ingestion.

Each one of them started getting violently clawed and slashed, unable to properly react and determine her next position. Bloodied and scratched, they looked at each other and nodded as they healed from each and every damage they received.

"All eyes on me!"

Elizabeth takes one of them by the neck, the muscled man tries to resist her grip as she lifts him up. The two differing vampires face each other as their eyes change colors from the amount of power they're exposing, the native with her golden coloured eyes and the player with his blood red eyes.

"Demon Magic! Bloodlust!" The Self Buff increased the man's strength threefold. Noticing this, the woman puts on more effort, making her arms' muscle reveal itself as she continues to choke the man. Intending on crushing his windpipe. She senses multiple attacks coming from her sides and behind, forcing the woman to let go of him as she parries the three with a devilish smile. Like a woman who's drunk on the adrenaline of the fight, Queen Elizabeth sent shivers down to their spines with her grin and eyes of a deranged person as she nonchalantly returned every blow they sent.

"It would be nice of you to not ruin my new dress."

"VAMPIRE MAGIC!", "Quicker Reflexes!", "Art of the Night!", "Swift Claws!"

The baseball vampires started chanting buffs, openly screaming them out to intimidate the woman, some of which were AoE and stacked them all on each other. Intending on leveling the playing field against the far more powerful opponent. Meanwhile, Henry teleports in his Samurai armor. Wearing it as quickly as he could behind the Explorer. Slinging his Wakizashi and Odachi. Peeking through the hood as he wears his Men-Yoroi, his Samurai armor was Crimson Red and covered his entire body. With his mask depicting a Great Oni with two large fangs and horns and his shoes were special ones meant for trails and hiking.

On the field, Elizabeth is slowly getting overwhelmed. Though her senses can still catch up, her body wasn't and had to constantly dodge and weave. But whenever an opening was found, the Queen would ravage the chance, clawing left and right, targeting their head, forcing her enemy to put up their arms and finishing her combo with either a kick to the liver or an uppercut that was enough to crush and powderize bones and organs as the flesh is churned and turned into corned beef from her blows.

But the longer it went on, the more the vampires were able to find some form of a pattern to her attacks, and slowly, the Queen had to put her arms up on her sides and dodging jabs and hooks left and right. The ground then violently rumbles as a man in a full suit of Samurai armor lands on the field. Seeing the chance, she picks up a Baseball Bat with its Barrel completely decimated. She uses its Taper to knock one of the vampires out cold.

"Hey Blondie!"

"Yes Detective? Can't you see I'm a bit busy here. I really don't want to get this dress ruined!"

"You might wanna use this."

He throws his Odachi at her, its ridiculous length baffles her as it flies right at her hands. All the while, Henry pulls out his Wakizashi and starts cutting the vampires flanking her. With his armor on and its passive Buffs working, he could stand toe to toe against them in terms of speed. One of the vampires gets slashed by his short Katana and her wound doesn't heal. This forces her to return to perform some healing magic in cover.

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