VOLUME 14 Chapter 6

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Roaming around the underground Fortress of the city. Bahamut in her small form crawls about the vents and piping of its sprawling halls and pathways. Reaching back to the door they took to the Castle. It was now closed and locked.

With this, the Dragon then continues to squirm about the underground labyrinth. The luminescent ceiling lights were the only thing that showed life was still there. Not even the sound of the sprawling city above was able to disturb the sanctity of the ancient fortress.

Reaching the hallway to the University, it was still open and she could clearly see traces of activity with the stench of a living being just being there a few moments ago. With this trail, she takes advantage of the wind and follows it down through the armored doors till she reaches a bulk door that's the width of the entire hallway and it was guarded by a lone person.

Small in its stature, it couldn't be anymore taller than her Human legs if it was to stand next to her. Humanoid in its presentation, none of its skin or face could be made out. Even she couldn't make out its features without having to result in sonar which promptly made it alert. "Hm?" With a manly voice for such a short person, it opens its hand and a clothed warhammer materializes.

This made the Dragon to quickly scurry off and hop into a vent. Even though the clacks of her sharp nails wasn't enough to even alert the house spiders inside, it did though take the hooded person's.

He quickly ran around the corner and jumped. The second he had to check was more than enough and there was nothing but darkness on the vent.

Crawling to the otherside, the Dragon stops before the grill and looks down on the large room. With armored walls that cover its concrete. The entire place was ready to take on any blast and the tables were full of letters. "Get me the one from Bishop Seus.'' The hooded people in their oddly scaled armor were mostly resting and sorting out the letters being brought forth between the Church and their connections.

On the corner, there was a small fire and meat was being cooked. Sitting there were two of the Demented Crusaders. Not removing their hoods at all as only the shape of their bodies could be seen which would vary from small Dwarven height to tall Elven ones.

"You know, I've heard from one of the Outworlders that the population of their planet has more than nine billion Men." Reaching for a sack. He proceeds to materialize a normal dagger and starts peeling them. "Such an absurd thought. Nine billion of their kind. Imagine that. I'd be surprised if that planet has more than five years left before its main inhabitants do something to completely destroy it." whilst the person sitting next to him on stool and holding a fork just flipped the meats they have cooking.

"Your kind thinks way too low of Men. Us being here is already proof of their insanity. I do not believe they'd do something like that." with a gruff sigh, he leans forward, his hands almost embracing the fire. "We're talking about the species that'd make the sky fall if they could get an upper hand against their enemies in a normal battle. Even now, as we carry out their indignant missions, we see how truly different and unique they are."

"Haaaa... to think my ancestors built this Fortress. Now, it's been delegated to a secret passage for us. The chambers, tainted with Evil and vile."

"Hm? Is that why can't I go to the chambers?"

"Oy, Daemon. Your kind may be resistant to curses, but do you not know of what the Vampire Queen used this Fortress for in her time? Were you Demons so disconnected you did not know of her crimes?"

"Daemon? Don't you disrespect the title given to our Deities."

"Pfft. The Vampire Queen when she was still reigning over Geraldia used this Fortress to test the weaknesses of the species. The Vampire is a devious creature, and the moment to entertain them, you have already stepped one foot into your grave."

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