VOLUME 11 Chapter 1

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Inside the wrecked Church of Bahamut, the makeshift tarp that took on the duty as the roof of the holy temple wildly flapped as the cold air rolled through the gaping holes from the previous battle that occurred there.

"I wish for one thing. That you'll defend the people of this land."

"You wish for me to defend the people of Threa?"

"Yes. Someone needs to put an end to this charade between the Gods and the Saint and Hero will do just that in the near future. But the aftermath is what I fear, when the vacuum of power is left and the end of the era of the Gods looms into this world. It needs the Dragons, and I cannot think of a better one than you who is so close to humans."

"Ehhhhhh... how fun. I'll see to it then. When I return to Tur, I doubt I'll be able to concentrate my power there anyways with the Twelve Pillars of the True God weighing down me once again. I shall leave a likeness of myself here to operate."

"Thank you. I pray to God that this world will finally be able to rest from its perilous natural cycle. I've been to all of the continents, for where there is peace. There is chaos. May peace finally prevail, even if it means the death of multiple Gods."

"This is why you humans always amaze me. Hahahahahahah, yes. I shall partake in defending this world. Master has gotten attached to it anyways, and I must protect what he sees as precious."

Bahamut then stylishly swirled around. Brandishing her dark gown in full as she passes him. The man flicks his cigarette into the ground which Bahamaut burns with her magic. "Please do not litter in my establishment." Her nose then suddenly flares up, inside the veil. The woman smelled something. "Hmmmm... it seems that you got your information out of the Saint. Have you met her? Or is it the Heroes?" He then turns around and escorts the officer out of the Church. Not giving her an answer. "Ehhhhh, but what an interesting smell. Same one of those touched by the Gods."

Bach leans forward onto the piano as the TV program shows the Three Rivers Fortress City completely destroyed as the UN forces marches through what remained of the city. The beautiful archaic buildings of the olden civilization of Schon are all but in ruins, the once prideful streets of the Hybrids now shredded by the threads of heavy machines and vehicles. The headlines show the glory and might of the combined army as they march onto the last part of the frontlines and finally flatten the lines to the border of Vitas. The Pianist didn't stop as he could hear Elizabeth's sweet deep womanly voice telling him to keep going, to keep playing with his heart as images flash before his eyes. The TV soon switches to breaking news about the CEO of Bedlam Pharmaceuticals being taken by the military.

He suddenly finds himself inside a Hospital. Awakening with debris on top of him as nurses rush to push the Gurney's off the room as troops in Flecktarn run to the window. Quickly setting up an MG3 mounted on the window frame as they opened fire with everything they got. In return, a violent volley of heavier calibers punch through the window and walls. Sending splinters everywhere and the person in a Gurney next to him, wounded and under IV and a breather next to him takes all of it as he screams for his life. More bullets fly into their room as the soldiers speaking in German panic and one of them sets up an NLaw. One of the nurses rushes in to get the other person next to him out of the room.

Bach looks down on himself and takes the IV stand as he runs to the hallway as the room he was in explodes. Dropping on the floor, Doctors and Nurses alike are in shock as more soldiers rush in to push their wounded combatants out of the building. The ground shakes as he peeks into the large window and sees drones and fighter jets alike dropping bombs after bombs into the city. What remained of their Anti Air doing nothing but flinging bullets into the air in hopes of sitting anything before getting destroyed itself. He then runs down to the ground floor in his hospital gown as more explosions rock the buildings and he takes the rear exit. Almost getting hit by an ambulance commandeered by soldiers in Multicam and Flecktarn.

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