Ch. 16

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Danny pov

Guess who decided that they wanted to die. If you guessed Bruce, you would be correct. Why would you be correct? He put me in the one place I never wanted to return to. That's right. He put me in school. I'm currently staring at the entrance with my eyes glazed over imagining what it would be like if I put Bruce in the NASA gimbal rig. The machine that spins extremely so fast you lose consciousness.

I don't remember the schools name. Frankly, I don't really care to remember it. All I know is after I got my schedule, I noticed I only have four classes per semester. Next semester's four classes will be different than this one's. However, I'm dealing with Chemistry, Business, English 11, and, you guessed it, Physical Education. Yes, Bruce is going to die a painful death.

Though I am grateful that I will only have to deal with three years instead of four since they decided to put me into the sophomore year. The down fall of this is that Bruce put a limit on my coffee intake. However, this will not stop me from getting my damn coffee. I get cranky if I don't have it.

The boring school day passes, and I'm lucky the teachers gave me a free pass for the day because all I did was sleep during the lectures. I didn't even get a warning. It was great, but other than that, school is hell. Why couldn't Bruce just keep me at home. I was so very close to making Bruce's voodoo doll before Boy Wonder showed up to take me home.

Although, the closer he got to me, the more he slowed down and looked at what I was making. He got close enough, took one look at it, and turned right back around. I quickly stuffed it into my bag and followed him. I have no doubt that he will tell Bruce about the voodoo doll I was making in front of the school while waiting. Bruce deserved it though. Besides I have no idea how that voodoo stuff works, but I will make them believe that I do.

Alfred knows otherwise, the damn to perky in the morning old man. Yes, I can call him that especially since he looks it, and I don't feel it. The best of my world at least. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Bruce staring at me with Boy Wonder standing next to him. I smile a very sinister smile and I can literally see the goosebumps forming on their arms.

Honestly, I forgot Boy Wonder's name. Was it Dick, Damien, Dickhead? No idea. Oh well. Not my problem really. Now off of that topic, I look out the window and realize that it's almost dark. Should I go out and look for Joker, or should I not? 

Well, fun beats out logic and boredom, so I'm going to go out and find him. If I don't find him, I will literally lure him out with something somehow. I want to have some kind of fun.

Little did I know I asked for more than I could handle. Kind of.


Hey guys, sorry for not updating for an extremely long while. I've been trying to keep my head above figurative water with 2-3 jobs at the same time for the past year or 2. It's been a while. Thank you for not giving up on this story for the most part.


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