Ch. 14

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Hey guys, I know I got some characters wrong or something, but I'm just basing this off of what I've watched and what I've read. None of this is accurate. I'm just letting you guys know.


Danny pov

When I embarrassed both Bruce and Boy Wonder, I had the idea of trying to embarrass  Alfred. Well, I know how hard it is trying to embarrass him, so I went onto an easier target. The Joker. It will be easy to find to, all I have to do is wait by a bank or at one of Bruce's functions. 

So, I waited for night to come, and I flew up into the sky and waited. I didn't have to wait very long because the bank right below me started to have sirens go off and of course the walls were blown. Me being me flew down and perched myself on a street light and transformed into my non-halfa half.

"Hey Joker," I yelled down to him, and he looked up at me, "are you still mad that I got away from you that time?" He had the look of murder on his face.

"I will find out how you escaped the laughing gas. I will find out!" The Joker yelled at me. I laughed a full out body laugh. He didn't take this too well and gave out orders to blow me up. They missed of course cause I jumped off at the last minute.

"I'm over here buddy," I yelled from the opposite of where I was. He was not happy I escaped from the explosion. Alas, my fun was ruined when Batman, aka Bruce, interrupted the fun and quickly took down the Joker.

When my fun was over, I transformed in an alley and flew back to the mansion. Bruce was going to throw a hissy-fit, but I am going to do it again. Boy Wonder was going to lecture me, but I gave him a stone face, and he stopped before it even begun and started mumbling how Bruce was going to do it but not him.

After the long awaited wait, Bruce came home and gave me a look and didn't even try to lecture me because he knew it was going to happen again. So, I went to the kitchen, made dinner and ate my dinner, and went to bed to plan some more fun.

Bruce pov

What am I going to do with that kid? I'll ask Alfred what I should do, but I'll do it in the morning. Danny is a whole world of trouble.


Sorry it's short, but it's what I could come up with on the spot. Thanks for reading.


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