Ch. 12

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Danny pov

I woke up exhausted because of how late I stayed up last night tailing Bruce in case that fruit loop had showed up. How does Bruce attract so much trouble from one  guy? Why is Bruce being attacked by said one guy? I hate this so much. 

The reason why I ran away from Amity Park was so I didn't have to be the hero. Why did this have to happen? Everything was perfectly fine until that fruit loop came along and started attracting the attention of the depressed bat and his trusty little sidekick. What was that kids name again? Oh well, who cares right now? I'm getting a headache from thinking about it; I need coffee to function and process this.

After finally getting out of bed, I head downstairs straight to the god of the kitchen that makes my beloved brew, the coffee maker. Alfred is probably up right now doing some early morning cleaning. How is he able to do all of this right now? I just got up, and I'm trying not to fall asleep standing up waiting for my precious coffee to be made.

My god of the kitchen beeps letting me know that my coffee is done when Bruce comes in and hands me a coffee mug. I look up at him with a blaming stare, letting him know it is his fault that I'm like this. He looks at me with confusion in his eyes. Just because he doesn't show an emotion on his face, doesn't mean it is not shown in his eyes.

So I speak my mind, "I hate you so much right now." This time he shows something on his face, it was bafflement.

"What did I do to make you hate me at this moment?" I just stare at him.

"You kept me up til the wee hours of the freaking morning." He gives me a weird look, then a blush crawls from his chin to his hairline. Then I realized what I said was taken in the completely wrong direction.

"Not that way. Get your head out of the clouds. Just no." I mean seriously, this early in the morning and he's already thinking about that kind of thing.

"You're the one who said it not me." He's trying to argue with me right now? Two can play at that game.

"I'm not the one who blushed a bright red glow. You're the one who thought it, not me." His face went an even brighter red when he had realized I was right. Gotcha.

It has been a while since I talked to someone like this not counting the past week, and I'm going to make this experience last while I can.


Sorry about the long wait. I am not able to use my moms computer and the school has blocked Wattpad to the students, so I haven't been able to update  until now because I got a computer for Christmas. Thank you for sticking with the story after so long.


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