Ch. 2

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Danny pov

I opened my eyes to see darkness with light shining through the cracks of a door outlining it. From what I could tell, the room that I'm in is dark and dank. I absolutely hate whoever put me in here, and they will regret it. Whoever put me in here or brought me here in the first place is going to come back shortly, and me fazing through what ever is binding my wrists and ankles using my intangibility is going to raise suspicion. Well dang, I'm going have to play Bambi.

It doesn't take very long for someone to enter this lovely room. Note the heavy sarcasm. And this said person turned out to be the awesome person at the very top of my never wanted to meet list. Creepy clown, also known as the Joker. He reminds me of Circus Gothica times ten.

"Well look who decided to drop by." Oh, here we go. The crazy talk begins. This is agitating enough for me without him in here, and it shows on my face with a look that basically says 'I'm not amused.'

"You're not laughing huh. Well, how about I give you something special to help with that?" He then sprays this weird stuff I'm assuming is laughing gas. After the gas disperses, he sees that I'm not laughing and not affected by it, and he immediately stops laughing himself. I'm immune to it due to my ghost half, not that I'll ever tell him.

"Why? Why are you not affected?" Joker had the most amusing distressed face I have ever seen. Other than Vlad the fruit loop of course. 

"Oh, I don't know, that I have a very good set of lungs." My ghost half can be very useful at times like this when I don't have to reveal anything about being Phantom. It makes me immune to poison and such, and what I just said pissed off the Joker.

"Well then, let's see if you can handle the pain from this." The Joker left, but he came back with a crowbar. Does he really think I'm that stupid? He is probably going for my legs so that I won't be able to run away.

He comes up to me with the crowbar in his hands. I was right about him going for my legs. Well jokes on the Joker because my healing ability is just going to heal them up in only a few minutes after him rendering me immobile. Also, I got so used to the pain from over the years of ghost fighting and defending myself from other criminals, so I won't even be able to flinch from something I can't feel.

The next thing I heard was a mix between a loud crack and a loud crunch. Even though I felt an uncomfortable twinge from my legs breaking, nothing showed on my face but a straight one. No fear, pain, or anything. The Joker had found this annoying according to the look on his face.

"How can you show nothing, feel nothing?" annoyance had shown throughout his voice.

"Well it's actually very easy. Do you want to know how?" I wanted to encourage him into asking me how I don't feel anything.

"Yes, I want to know." Anger is showing on his face now due to the impatience he has when he doesn't get what he wants. That was one of my goals. I simply smile and say, "It is because I can't feel it anymore." The Joker looks startled from this. My turn to strike.

I use my intangibility to get through the cuffs or whatever it is around my wrists and ankles. My legs have been healed for a while, and the first thing I did was headbutt the Joker since his face  was basically a kissing distance away from mine. Blood immediately came out of his smashed nose. Before he could strike back, I got up, took his crowbar, and hit him in the head to knock him out. Maybe kill him. I sensed another presence, so I quickly dropped the crowbar, turned invisible, and flew away towards home fazing through the building I was kept in.

Batman pov

I was on the ledge in the dark corner of the room that the Joker kept the boy in. I was about to get him out when the joker came into the room. It was disturbing when the boy didn't flinch from when the Joker crushed his legs with the crowbar. Instead the boy held a smirk on his face. I watched the entire thing, and everything was difficult to understand. Especially when the boy was immune to laughing gas.

the mystery boy had defeated the Joker, who is currently unconscious. Looks like we have another meta human to deal with. After I deliver the Joker to Commissioner Gordan, I need to go onto the bat computer and search for anything related to the mysterious boy. One with Raven black hair, cold ice blue eyes. You sure are one mysterious kid, but I will find out who you are one way or another.

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