Ch. 6 ~ Danny's Secret

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Danny pov

The death of my family actually happened almost 30 or more years ago when I was a teenager in the Nasty Burger explosion, but hey, who's counting. Currently I'm in the Wayne Mansion. I really don't want to be here. Really, I'm too old for this. I know I kept this to myself, but come on, he wants to adopt a 30 something year old. Not that he knows this obviously.

Since I'm half dead, I barely age at all. While I look 15 or 16, I'm actually in my 30's, and again who's counting. But then again, why would I want to tell anyone this? I don't because I can get away doing things regular people can't, and it's easy to hide from those who want me dead easier. The Joker though apparently wants to complicate my life by targeting me.

Why oh why did this have to happen? Bruce wants to adopt me all because of that damn Joker targeting me. I knew Bruce's father for goodness sake. I met his father a few days before the shooting in that alley. Wait a minute. How old am I really? And how old is Bruce? I need to ask.

"Hey Bruce, How old are you?" He looks at me like I have lost my mind. Which could have happened because I'm me. But, he's going to answer anyway.

"I'll only tell you that I'm in my thirties." I'm older than he is now that I know I'm not in my thirties. Now that I know this, it means I can come out of hiding and actually have a family for once. A family that can kick ass. My mind is made up. I'll let him adopt me, but that means that I have to tell him why I don't age after some time.

"Okay, I'll let you adopt me, but just so you know there is something about me that I won't tell you until the time is right." Man I'm going to have to contact clockwork now that I'm going to be back in the system.

"Okay great. I'll go get those papers right away." He left right as he said that, and I was alone with Dick. Might as well get to know the guy.

"Hey Dick, can you show me around this place and introduce me to the other people living in it since I'll be living here from now on." I still need to get my stuff I left in my bunker.

"Sure, follow me." He lead me upstairs out of the Bat Cave to introduce me to my new family. This is going to be a whole new adventure.


Hey guys, I know I didn't write much for this chapter, but I'll be able to write more now that I'm on break from school. If you think I should add anything to this and previous chapters, By all means let me know. Thank you for sticking with me.


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