Chapter- 4( Intro to the M.A.D)

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Next Morning

Vicky di words are still ringing in my ears. I haven't slept well because I can't stop thinking about the consequences. I know I won't be able to keep the distance even if it's for the best.

Mom snapped me out of my overthinking by ordering me to do household chores. The one from which I always run, no time to run now, so let's help mom a little. It's sometimes nice having the house with siblings. All these little moments like, fighting or spending time together. These are the kind of things you miss when you are in your late 80s wondering when you'll see Heaven.

If you haven't noticed my older brother just moved out of our house. He got the job and started living with one of my relatives. Most of my siblings are there, while Here I'm in a whole different town rubbing the plates with soap until it shines.

What a life!

Funny how you avoid your thoughts by thinking about something else and still you keep failing at your task.

I reached my coaching center. The only place I feel alive is when I'm surrounded by my friends Frankly, I have no interest in studying these mathematical figures. I begged my parents to let me join the center so that I can get out of the house. However, Dad gives rides, back and forth... 

I prefer walking back home, by the way, if anyone cared to ask.

Today, as usual, I'm sitting with my friends at the back while the boys are behind us. Boys & us don't talk too much but they often do stupid stuff like us... like me. But it's not about them, today is about me telling Dee and Mani about the INCIDENT.

"WHAT?!" both of them screamed. I guess sitting in the middle wasn't a good idea. RIP my ears...

Sir tried Shushing us but little did he know, we sat at the back for a reason.

Dee poked her finger in my arm and said, "So you said yes na, that means you are the first one in our group who isn't single anymore!".

I swear I could feel the boy's attention on us. But I ignored it and saw Dee's excitement fade away when I told her about the rejection part. It's funny how stupid and mature I can sound from time to time.


Mani slammed her hand on the desk and said," Good for you!" I swear I felt like my heart stopped there for a minute. Sir was polite but not so much that they'll tolerate this. He tore our tiny group discussion by forcing us to sit separately.

Couldn't have gone any worse.

As soon as the class dismissed Our group reunited downstairs, apparently to discuss further. Is there anything left?

Dee and Mani standing facing each other and here I'm so much diverted by this conversation. My imagination drifted away from how much chocolate I wanted to eat.

Dark Chocolate... Yum

"Aisha!" Mani's voice snapped me out of my imagination. " We are here discussing you so little attention won't hurt, right?" she asked

"Ya, but aren't we over this topic when you took the whole class's attention by your banging" I answered. We both bumped into each other first day at college and we haven't separated since then.

Dee was Mani's friend first and our little trio got named, M.A.D. Probably because we all three are mad. Ha!

Dee politely asked me," Why do you say no when you wanted to say the exact opposite? Was it because you wanted to play hard to get?"

It's amusing when Dee remains polite no matter what the situation is so that no one's feelings get hurt. While I wish I can say the same for Mani. She's bold and straightforward with her words. Something I try to adapt.

"No Dee, I understand what you are trying to say. I guess I said no because of idealizing a relationship and being in one. Both are different. In reality, relationships are scary and hurt a lot. I have enough problems to deal with, I can't create one more for myself", I concluded and was surprised how I almost forgot about my other problems in these last three days, which are bigger than all of this.

They both wanted to ask more questions but didn't after seeing my serious face. Good for me tho'

As we three started to leave the area. I saw boys watching us from the distance. I guess they wanted to know more. Too bad. They aren't part of the group, LOL.




I thought of showing a little bit about M.A.D reaction. However, I have saved Aisha's elder sister's reaction for the next chapter!

Till then, you are free to wonder if Himnish will return or if this is the end before any beginning.

I apologize for now posting anything Yesterday. I promise an update in a week. Stay tuned for the next! 

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