Chapter- 8(He said what?)

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In our lives, we all go through some moments like we knew this would happen but still, didn't prepare for it. Some call it Deja Vu, while others call it Intuitions. However, some people like me call it, Screwing moments!

And right here, in my hand on my phone when Himnish message popped up, that was it "MY SCREWING MOMENT!"

Heyy Good Morning, suggest me a good movie?

I have read this message for the 100th time and still haven't recovered from the shock. My Theory was correct !....

Why??? For once in my life, I didn't mind being wrong. But the main question is 'what is wrong with him??'

Good Morning? How come he sounds so cheerful? Suggest a good movie? You hate horror & I love horror. You like action movies & I don't. You hardly watch any Korean drama & I recently got addicted to it. You never watch my suggested moves or series, we bonded over Jurassic park and friends. The world's most-watched movie and series, for god's sake!

So why would he ask me this question? I know we have suggested each other multiple movies and series over time, it's like our thing... But didn't that thing end when you decided to confess your feelings out of nowhere?

As I was busy creating a freaking hole in my phone, my father interrupted my artwork by coughing. "What's up with you?" questioned my father while holding a newspaper in one hand and his lemon tea in the other.

"Just Morning frustration papa, nothing much!" I Lied politely while putting my phone aside and giving my full attention to my parents. I sat at the dining table facing my father and my mother on his left. Both of them gave me a confused look but decided to drop the topic. Thank God!


After excusing myself from the breakfast, I ran towards my room in slow motion. Dialed Angel because she was the first one that came to my mind. Let's be clear, this girl calls me all the time which indicates she's as free as me.

Angel: Heyyy, one of the rare times when you call that means something's up. What's up?

Me: He texted me! Bro, I know I sound absurd right now but he Freaking Texted me! My theory was correct!!

I screamed with happiness. I'm soo screwed...

Angel: You sound more like in love baby

ME: NO!! I told you before, nothing going to happen okay? I'm just happy that he didn't let our friendship go.

Or let me go... Stop it!

Angel: You can't lie to me bro, I have known you for the past 11 years. It's not happening because you won't let it happen. Get the Experience, damn it! He still didn't cut ties with you & as much as you have told me about him, He sounds like a Hard-on-the-outside-softie-on-the-inside- type of guy. That's a rare species, bro

As deep down I know, I can feel myself weakening but I won't accept my defeat.... yet

I can still push him away. Not that I want to but that's what's good for both of us. I've seen people shattering whenever their relationship went wrong, they change into something they used to hate and I don't want to... I want to grow not to change into a bitch.

Angel: Helloo? Hello? Aisha, you there?

Me: Yaa, Angel please under----

As I was trying to complete my sentence, Himnish's message popped up. I haven't even replied to the previous one...

I opened our chat and BANG!!

I fell from my bed hurting my back & my earplugs and phone all got deattached, lying on the floor like my numb body.

I'm coming to your hometown. Can we meet tomorrow?

His text flashed in front of my eyes and my hands were shaking now. I wanted to disappear. No, I can't meet him... If I see his charming face, those light chocolaty colored eyes.. that beautiful curly hair, and his cute smile... I'll surely pass out.

I got distracted from my thoughts when I heard Angel's voice echoing in my room. I quickly grabbed my phone and answered.

Me: Angel...broo... I - I-

Angel: Bro speak up you are giving me a heart attack here!

Me: I received a text from him. He's coming to my town meet me...

I heard angel breaths but I guess she was too stunned to speak. Me too bro... Me too

After a long pause, she finally spoke up

Angel: Are you going to meet him?

Me: Well, that's the first question I don't have an answer for... I don't know... I guess no.

Angel: Nooo??! Why??

Bro I don't want to pressurize you but your insecurities are seriously doing numbers on you. You gotta let go of your fears and stop being in control all the time You know what you want & there is no time dodging it!

I couldn't conjure any words, I was speechless & I don't like it. If a guy can have that much effect on me while being far away, just imagine how much he will affect me while being close. He can destroy me & I'll freaking let him. I don't have enough control over my life & I can't give away the remaining to someone else......

Me: Angel, let me call you later. I need some coffee to wake up my last remaining brain cells.

She didn't fight for once and politely cut the call. While here was I

Lying on my floor, in front of my mirror & all I could see is this average girl. The one with long dark brown hair, big puffy dark brown eyes which don't function properly without these big glasses. I'm not even skinny nor do I have a perfect figure. What did he see in me?? Really?




Finally, I've successfully published another chapter! I'm a lazy ass plus exams are around the corner so sorry for unexpected late updates!

By the way, what do you think?

Will Aisha meet her long-term crush or will she run away?

Do let me know and don't forget to share my novel!

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