Chapter- 27 ( Technique of Aisha's Meditation)

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I don't know when I lost track of time. I must have passed out on the floor because my back hurts a lot now. It's funny when people say you can't sleep after drinking coffee. Clearly, they haven't met me. Coffee is like my Lollyby.

I got up from the floor and crawled towards my bed. I think it's late because it's so dark outside. I pick up my phone from the bed to check the time. 11:18

I would like to do the aftermath of how many hours I have slept, but my starving tummy had other plans. I stood up from the floor, slipped into my slippers, and went out of my room.

Bhai should have been back by now?

I switched on the lights & walk into the Kitchen. I know mom and dad didn't want to disturb me, but they must have some leftovers from the Dinner. The one I missed. I open my fridge in search of food. Until I found Dark chocolate lying below the freezer. That's all I want.

I picked up the dark chocolate and closed the fridge. Too busy grinning to hear footsteps coming close.

"Desserts are always after dinner, sis" my brother announces after scaring the crap out of me. I spun on my heels to look at him. While his hands are crossed over his chest & his back over the wall.

"What are you Annabelle now?" I question him while hugging my dark chocolate, "It's my dinner and dessert. Good night, now" I declare and start walking away when we hear another footstep.

"Are you both hungry?" my mom enters the kitchen with pizza boxes in her hands. She smiles at us while both of us are busy staring at the pizza boxes like the predator found their prey, "Always" we both say together.

"Come on then, let's have Dinner." mom announces and walks out of the kitchen. We follow her to the dining table when we see our father sitting there. Already on the Heads seat. Never mess around with papa's seat.

He notices us and smiles," Finally, food!" he claps his hand and stares at the pizza boxes.

I sit on the right side of my father. While my brother sits beside me. Mom is on the left side of Dad and opposite me. She places the boxes in the middle and passes on the boxes one by one.

Both of us are the same, extra cheese with onion toppings. Although Dad has extra cheese with con topping while my mother is eating the choco lava cake.

We had our dinner around 11:30 & we all were definitely starving after that discussion. We laugh, eat, and bond. These are the moments I live for. Even after a pretty shitty day, an injured leg and hand & traumatizing realization of my anger issues gravity. At least the day ended well. Me with my family, laughing together.

always and forever


It's been 5 days. Five whole days and I'm still locked up in my room. Thanks to my fricking injured hand and feet. BTW I'm completely healed. Mom and dad instructed me not to go out of the house until it healed. Even if I wanted to sneak out, it was impossible because my parents have hawk eyes!

I've tried convincing my parents to let me attend my coaching at least. But they refused to let me go anywhere. According to them, I can't tolerate the pain. They heard me cry once in the bathroom & suddenly, I'm a crybaby! I was having Major mood swings!

Five days, four nights is a long time for being home prisoned. Apparently, my brother enjoys my misery too much. He marches into my room and asks me if I want a bike ride before I can say yes. He answers his own question by saying, "oh yeah You are injured. Mommy and daddy declared bed rest for You... Too bad. I'm GONNA HAVE FUN tho'!"

I wish I could grab my pocket knife and redecorate my brother's face, but I'm holding myself back after the little story time with dad. It's alarming how furious I could be, even when I was 5 years old.

So here I'm meditating in my room to get a grip on my emotions. Relaxing music helps tho'. I don't know why people assume Meditation is boring. It's the most effective technique and apparently my favorite.

"Ash? Ash?" my brother invites himself into my room again, "Are you sleeping again?"

"no, I'm meditating" I reply while keeping my eyes shut and trying to push my brother out of my room by the invisible force.

"Rolled up like a ball in your bed isn't mediating," he states with annoyance in his voice.

"I'm not rolled up... I'm just trying different tactics." I whisper while pulling my sheets up and hugging my pillow tights," Leave me alone"

Okay, maybe I'm laying in my bed while Meditating....whatever

"Uggghh! How can you sleep all day?!"

"It's an anger management technique of mine. You should try sometime. I can sense the annoyance in your voice Bhai. Not recommended for your health."

My brother doesn't say anything & I begin getting comfy again. Letting the sleep in...hmm, I mean meditation.

Suddenly, My brother drags my sheet aside which results in me jolting up," What the hell??!!"

"Now you are awake," Bhai says while smirking.

"I was meditating!!" I shout while glaring at my big brother's smirking face.

Only if eyes can actually kill someone. I would have been announced as a psycho killer by now.

"Oh, shut up!" he says while throwing the sheet on my face," Listen, I know you want to go out. I can take you on a bike ride..."

"Oh, here we go again!" I exclaim while getting up from the bed," I'm not falling for it again, Bhai. Now get out of my room before I smash this photo frame on your head" I states while raising the photo frame high, ready to throw it on his head.

"Woah, relax Sis. I'm not kidding!" he pleads while raising his hands gesturing his surrender. I nod and put the photo frame back on the table. Then I turn around and face him again," What do you want?"

"Mom and dad have gone out. I'm leaving tomorrow, duty calls. So I'm not kidding..this time. I'll buy you ice cream too."

"It can't be that easy.. where's the catch?" I question him while crossing my hands. Inside I'm dying to go outside & the thought of ice cream is already working, but I can't let it show, right?

Frustratedly he runs his hand in his hair and steps towards the door. Then he turns towards me and says," I want to meet someone, but I can't leave you here alone..again. That's why I'm asking you is, would you like to come with me or should I lock the door on my way out"

I didn't ever process fully what he said. I start clapping."OMG! You have a Date!!!"

"Shut up!!" he roars, but I'm too busy clapping & grinning. "I guess I should lock the door then."

That got my attention

I dropped my smile, "Please don't. I'll get ready in 10 min's." I begged my brother to show my manipulative puppy eyes.

"Make it 5" & with that, he left the room. I quickly pulled out my black jeans with a sky blue V-neck t-shirt. The one I stole from dad's wardrobe. I pulled my hair in a long pony and sprayed some perfume on my way out.

I'm going out finally!!





Hello, my beautiful readers! Updated after quite some time. Hope you like what you read ;)

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