Chapter-15( The bitter reality)

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Do you know what is the problem with over-thinkers like me? We use it to analyze every single aspect, every minor detail of the situation. Rewinding the whole scenario in our minds until we connect the dot, even if there aren't any dots to connect. Until we get tired or we fall asleep.

 Although, I couldn't stop thinking about the incident. I came home & changed into my pink shorts and a dark brownish top. I assisted Maa in making dinner. Usually, I chat a lot or randomly give Hugs to mummy while she's working, but tonight I was quiet. I can not hide my emotions too well, it always gets displayed... So mom and dad knew something was off.

While eating dinner, Papa tried to lighten the mood by cracking jokes or telling his old life stories. I paid attention most of the time. I giggled too at some point, but I was lost too. We finished dinner, and I washed the dishes. I went to mom and dad's room to run away from my own overthinking. I laid beside mom, hugging her tightly.

 She asked me numerous times what was wrong? Why do I come late after coaching? I lied to her about upcoming exam pressure, so I studied a little longer. She was convinced as she was multitasking by watching her series and talking to me

I got up from her bed, said goodnight to both of them, and went inside my room.

So presently, I'm lying on my bed while the mattress is hugging me and thinking...AGAIN

He said sorry?! Maybe he realized he crossed the line... or Maybe, he wants to win my trust so that he can kill me when I let my guards down? But I shouldn't judge a person just based on rumors, right... But Mani said just because it's rumored doesn't mean they aren't correct. Neither I should ignore them nor I can believe them? What kind of fucked up advice is that?!

He glared at me angrily while I tossed the paper bowl at him & he and his friend, the grey eye one, smirked at me when he whispered something in his ear. It can be anything... But when he said sorry, he was unable to maintain eye contact. He was childishly looking down at his shoes while his hands played with his hair... He looked really adorable.

UGH! It's killing me. I picked up my phone and texted the one person who's always online, Angel. She might witness something in this whole conversation, something I missed...


Heyy Bro. Got a minute


Ya, only for you baby. What's up?

I explained every single point to her in my voice note. Our encounter, our fight before, our loathing towards each other & how annoying is his smirk. About today, how he commented on my clothes, the rumors about him & how despite everything he apologized.


Wow!! Too much information in one voice note.


I know! Just tell me what I'm missing? I know something is off...


Can't a person say sorry without any other motive? Maybe he knew he crossed the line & honestly, the way you describe him is kind of doubtful too. If you hate him, the way to claim is then why waste your time? Why keep thinking about him when you have bigger things to deal with.


What are bigger things than this?


HIMNISH babe! Shouldn't you wonder when he'll reach you rather than some story dangerous guy at your coaching? Your coaching is gonna end in a month & then you won't face him again. Just one month Aisha stop over-analyzing Harshit when you should think about YOUR HIMNISH.

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