Chapter- 24(Crazy Sister Duo)

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I changed into my cozy clothes and jumped on my bed. I was pissed from the last two phone calls I had. Himnish and Angel both are Scorpio which makes sense. They are like zodiac twins & I'm mad at both of them... I want dark chocolate...Bhai should be back soon. Hopefully

Till then I can't sleep. I need to open the door.. ugh!

I start hearing Charlie Puth's song,' We don't talk anymore' while singing along lyrics. I enjoy doing this weird therapy. While I'm home alone. Mom and Dad must be out at one of our relative's houses. Bhai is out to get snacks and maybe, is with his friend. That's why he's late. So while keeping the music on speaker, replying to the text messages I received. I received texts from Mani separately and in our M.A.D group(Mani, Dee & me)

I firstly open the group chats to scroll up to see Dee and Mani's texts:


Unread messages:-


Hey guys, I open you reached home safely. I just got back.


Safely?? If you count getting thrown out of the Car in the middle of the road safely. Yea, Sure, I reached home quite safely! 🤬


WHAT?? What happened???


I'll tell you everything later but first, @Aisha, where are you??


But she was with you?


If she was with me. Why would I message that 😑


But you guys left together... If she isn't with you..then she's alone..with Harshit?!!🤯


Exactly Sherlock!! That bitch Harshit kidnapped Aisha!!


OMG! I just thought I had the big news for you guys, but naah, this is HUGGEE


Wait... what news??😕 Don't tell me something happened with you and Aryan


If you don't want to know... then it's fine😅


OMG!! I can't deal with this now🤦🏻‍♀️. Dee, this is something you'll have to spill when we are face to face. Got it?


Yea! Got it, but where is Aishu? I'm worried 😟


I swear if Harshit lay a finger on her, I'm calling Dad😤


WWWHHHAAATTTT???!! Do you take your family to help us? 😲


I don't care if people will find out or not. Harshit and his gang are dangerous! We are stuck between fire here.


They aren't that dangerous...


Don't you dare to take their side, Dee? Btw how do you reach home?


Yea, Aryan dropped me

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