Ch.9 Surprise MF!

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The sun went down, and the moon was slowly raised in the sky and the golden glow of the sky was replaced by the cold darkness, but the moon and the star didn't abandon the travelers; they shined bright, showing the true path to us. But it was all completed when the castle came into view.

Hermione and I looked out our window, and we had reached Hogsmeade station. It was a tiny platform and it looked quite similar to the movie one.  We heard the announcement to leave our pets and luggage on the train. 

I got up from my seat and Hermione looked at me and I asked, "What now?"

She asked, "You really going to bring her? They said to keep your pets in the train?"

I scoffed and said, "Preposterous, Cotton is my friend, and I am not leaving without her and… I fear she may bite someone."

She looked at me, sighed and shook her head, "Let's just go."

I nodded and followed her. We stood in front of the train door, and they opened and Hermione and I walked out the door. I stretched and looked around and saw a giant man in the distance, he had a shaggy beard and equally shaggy hair.

He said, "Alright then! First years, This way, please! Come on now, don't be shy! Come on now, hurry up!"

Harry, Victoria and Ron walked up to Hagrid, and he greeted them with a wave of his hand and he said, "Come on now, this way to the boats. Come on, follow me." 

Hermione and I walked together as we reached the docks, and he said, "No more than four on the boats." Hermione and I got on a boat, and then two other people also got on our boat. Both of which were girls, one wore glasses and had brown straight hair and the other girl had  golden blonde hair, and she wore a Stoic expression on her face.

The girl with the glasses smiled and said, "Hello, I am Tracey Davis." She looked at her friend and the girl said, "Daphne, Greengrass pleasure."

Hermione looked at Daphne and said, "I am Hermione Granger and this is Jonathan."

I waved and smiled and said, "Hi." 

Tracey and Hermione started to have a chat and I was kinda left alone with her, she just looked uninterested in everything… I tried to make conversation with her, "Are you excited?"

She nodded and said, "I am." She said, that without making any expression as to if she was excited. I nodded and said, "I assume you would like to join Slytherin house?"

She looked at me and nodded and said, "It is a given, my entire family line has been in Slytherin from the beginning. It would be unacceptable for me to be placed anywhere else."

I chuckled because of her strict appearance, and she looked at me and wanted to say something but Tracey intervened and said, "I apologize, it's that she has a strict personality for someone our age."

Daphne looked at Tracey quietly said, "Come on, try to relax a little." She then looked at me and asked, "Where do you wish to be?"

I shrugged my shoulders and Hermione butted in and said, "He says he is keeping his options open, I think it's just him being indecisive."

She looked at me and I said to Tracey, "I apologize for my friend, she has a knack to butt in." 

Tracey laughed and yet Daphne's expression remained unchanged and Hermione squinted and said, "Hahaha, funny."

As we were talking, the castle came into the view. The large Castle built at the edge of the hill lit with torches and the starry night with the calm lake's atmosphere made it look like something right out of fairy tales.

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