Ch.37 Taking out dad... not like that

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A few weeks have passed since well, the last time I had talked to Hermione about the whole Slytherin's heir debacle. She doesn't think it's me and had asked for my help, sparingly though. It's because of Ron and Harry, they think I might know more than I lead on, which is quite perceptive of the lot, although I think it's more Harry than Ron, he outright believes that it's me.

After the very bleak weeks we have finally gathered in the library to "study" It hasn't been easy to lie to them, but I can't really tell them that I know who's the one behind it all and what's causing it all now can I?
So I have been just laying low and just been reading books on monsters and such, and the deeper I got in the rabbit hole, the more I found out. 

Right now I'm reading a book that I had copied from the ROR. It was about magical beasts and how to incorporate different beasts into one's body and make it stronger and gain particular traits from the said beasts. It was an interesting read.

It had told successful ways to complete the rituals with different beasts like Wapus cat, Thunderbird and other more rare creature's like Basilisk, Dragons and Pheonix.

But the rituals them selves were very complicated and dated, the language was the biggest obstacle, other than the obscure ingredients used in the process. I was considering if I wanted to do it myself. 

That's when I felt a tug on my robe, it was Astoria, she looked interested in what I was reading. She looked at the book and asked, "What are you reading? What's that language?"

I closed the book and smiled, "It's old English." I looked at her and asked, "You should be able to read it… have you been skipping the lessons?"

She grunted and stomped her feet and said, "Ugh, but it's boring and useless not to mention."

I chuckled and then Hermione looked at the book I was holding and asked, "You are really taking an interest in the monsters, any reason?"

I scoffed and said, "Yeah, cause they cool… " I looked at Ted to back me up and nodded "Totally" 

Tori understood the situation and tried to change the topic, "So heard there has been another attack…"

I nodded and sighed, "Yeah, that Hufflepuff kid, that kept taking your Brother's photo. Shame." 

Tracey but interjected and said, "Yeah, but on the flip side we are going to get the dueling lesson." 

I then remembered the whole thing with Harry and the snake and now it will Tori and that snake… that somehow felt weird thinking about it. I shuddered by thought of it and said, "Yeah, but it's Lockhart, so I don't have much high hopes for it."

Hermione Scoffed and dejected, "I think that Professor Lockhart can teach us something, good."

The comment got a little laugh out of me but then Daphne lightly elbowed me and said, "We're still in Library…"

I looked at Hermione and leaned in closer to the table and asked, "If you have such confidence in him, then would you care for a wager?"

She looked at me confused and my proposition for a bet send a shiver down Daphne and Tori, they had lost to me, but still I hadn't asked for anything and that was worse for them, somehow. Although Hermione was considering it, Tracey shook her head and said, "Don't do it he is going to win… he did this once and won."

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