Ch. 45 Christmas is gonna rock

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My life is not like a movie which is kinda ironic because, I'm living inside a movie and like many movies. I did get a good ending, for now at least. After apologising to my friends through a song and promising them that I will ask for their help and will tell them if I'm in trouble or doing something dangerous they forgave me.

I also had to tell them about being the whole me being the parselmouth thing and who my dad was, they did take it pretty well, if I'm being honest.

Now I wasn't that stupid to tell this to Hermione, I just told her that I'm a parselmouth and I stopped the heir of slytherin. She was still sceptical of me but didn't deny that I helped the school, I also asked her to keep this whole thing a secret from Harry and Ron. And she agreed, she said, "If those two knew what you did, they would definitely come to the conclusion that you were behind it all." which is accurate.

Well keeping the sad and depressing side aside, Christmas holidays are here and that means students get to go home and this time I was one of them as well. How you ask?

Well, as soon as Florian got the news that I would sing, he asked me to come to his home for the holidays so that we could record songs and make a new setup for Tv and its network. So this Christmas I won't be alone wandering the empty halls of Hogwarts, I'll be working/celebrating it at my friend's house.

(Jon's Pov)

I was looking out the window, the scenery of grassy meadows and the sunny sky had been replaced by white sheets of snow covering the plains and the snow clouds covered the sun behind them. I was thinking about the whole singing thing.

I have agreed to it and I have been practising instruments as well, like guitar and the piano. Professor Flitwik has been a great help to me and I have been improving my skills as the days went by. I was just worried if my songs would relate to the wizard folk.

"Jon." Tori called out my name I turned to look at her and she asked, "Everything alright?"

I nodded and said, "It's nothing, just thinking about work."

Tracey groaned and said, "How can you always think about work?"

I gave a smirk and said, "I was thinking about songs that I want to record, guess I shouldn't do it right?"

She gasped a little and said, "NO! You are doing it you promised!" I chuckled and so did Ted and she grumpily crossed her hands and sat back, "Jerk."

Daphne was sitting in front of me with Tori and Tracey and she asked, "What are you so worried about? We've heard your singing it's good."

Ted turned towards me and patted on my shoulder while saying, "It's okay bud, if you don't want to we understand."

Tracey scoffed and said, "You're just worried that he will be more famous that he already is." Tracey's voice rang in the ears of Daphne and Tori like sirens and their eyes widened a little.

"Brother is more infamous than famous to be honest." Astoria said while looking at a book, it was a comic that I got her it was Archies, I tried to get to her to read some other Marvel and Dc stuff but Daphne and Tori didn't let me.

I nodded and said, "She is correct, maybe this could be a chance for me to clear my name... getting a good reputation" all of them nodded "And money." All the girls groaned while Ted hummed and nodded.

Tori shook her head and asked, "Forget about all that for a minute, what's the problem with the songs."

I sighed and said, "I'm just worried that my songs might not be relatable to the wizards, you know I've heard the songs from wizards, like Dance like Hipogryph, In my potion, Heart of Dragon. And I don't have anything like that."

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