Ch.19 Jig is up

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A few weeks have passed and everyone is back from the winter break. It was starting to get boring, I was glad that they were back. Victoria seemed to be in a happy mood ever since she came back from the break. She told me about the talk that her family had and how her mom supported her decision to stay at Hogwarts.

I was happy for her, it finally seemed like she was alright with being in Slytherin, but the thing that surprised me the most was her present that she had gotten for Christmas. I wasn't expecting her to get it, but here she was with the cloak of invisibility.

She even pulled a little trick on me while in the Slytherin common room, albeit it was pretty restrained. It was just a simple jump scare, but it was unexpected to be completely honest.

The trio still went to talk to Hagrid about the philosopher's stone and watched the hatching of Norbert, but doing so also got them trouble. They had detention in dark forest with others.

While in the dark forest, Harry encountered a dark figure trying to drink unicorn's blood, but was stopped by centaurs. Voldemort is still weak, it seems. I wonder how long can he last, or what will he do next?

Whatever it may be, it was a tensed situation seeing that the end of the year exams are here. We all were studying with all our efforts, we wanted to do good in exams.


The group was sitting in the library studying for the exam, but one member was missing from the group. It was me…

Tracey looked at Victoria and asked, "Where is Jon? We haven't seen him today…"

Victoria shook her head and said, "I don't know, honestly, even I haven't seen him today…"

Ted said, "He's fine, he must be with Prof. Quirrell or something like always."

Victoria nodded and said, "Yeah, maybe…"

While my friends wondered where I was, Ted was spot on… I was with Quirrell. I was with him practicing.


We both were out in the open field. In the distance I could see the whomping willow and the castle… we would come here to practice big magic since Prof.'s room was a little small for it.

Prof. Quirrell was putting on gloves and he looked at me and said, "So, Jon… you pre-pared for the up-coming e-xams?"

I chuckled and removed my robes and said, "Oh, yeah… I am already done revising… I am prepared." I looked at him, and asked, "So Prof. How was your trip?"

He smiled and nodded, "It was… educatio-nal." He asked, "How about you, Jon? You we-re a-lone here, I h-ope that you di-dn't wa-ste your time."

We took stance and I said, "Let's see." and we bowed and the spar began.

He really pulled out all the stops today. He didn't waste a single moment and unleashed a barge of spell. For the first half of the duel, I was playing on the back foot trying to find an opportunity to strike, but he wouldn't give me an inch.

So I had to create my own. As I was dodging his spells. I used my wand and levitated many rocks and boulders and hurled them at him. He saw them coming and pulverized them, he said, "It's not a game, Jon."

I looked at him and squinted, and I used Confringo, a fiery orange colour light emitted from the tip of my wand, and it was shooting towards Quirrell he looked at him and deflected it, but I didn't stop I wasn't about to lose my opportunity here.

I continued sending charms, Jinxes, and curses at him, "Reducto, Expulso, Stupefy" and he was now getting pushed back.

I used the tempest jinx, and Quirrell tried to protect himself using Protego. The lightning was stopped right in front of his face with an invisible barrier he smiled, and he thought that I was done, but I created another offshoot of lightning, and it struck behind him, but he was still protected by the invisible barrier.

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