Ch.15 Do you have time to talk about our lord and savior Voldemort?

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I was sitting in the library with Victoria, Ted, and Hermione. Hermione and Victoria were doing their homework while. Ted was doing a bit of reading, and I was banging my head on the table.

Hermione grunted and said, "Jon, stop that or bang your head harder."

Victoria chuckled and asked, "What are you even doing?"

I stopped and looked at her and said, "I am stuck." She squinted, and I said, "I am trying to understand runes, and I have made a lot of progress, but it's like moving at a snails pace. I would be doing a lot better if someone would help me." I looked at Ted, and he said, "I learned it through grueling memorization and playing a lot to the tutor." He looked at me and put his book down and asked, "And why do you need to lean anyway? That thing is far ahead of us, well you."

I grunted and said, "Cause, I have read everything from this year. I even did all my potions practices and charms, I have done almost everything, and I am bored."

Hermione asked, "How did you finish potions?"

I exhaled and said, "Well, these two sitting here are great at that. But Ted gets no credit, he didn't help once."

Victoria looked at Hermione and said, "Jon likes to exaggerate, he knew most of the instructions and ingredients, I just supervised him."

I sighed and said, "I really need help with it."

"You need help?" I looked up and it was Tracey. She was with Daphne and I asked, "Well what a surprise, what are you two doing here?"

Tracey smiled and said, "Well, we came here to do homework and Victoria mentioned that you all meet here to do it so. I thought it would be nice if we could join you guys... that is, if you don't mind?"

I looked at them, and they didn't seem to mind, and I smiled and said, "You guys are welcome to join us."

Ted seemed happy, he doesn't express many emotions other than annoyed, but he did seem happy.


Today was Halloween, the day when Voldy would try to steal the stone. Well, the day started pretty well, but I knew it would only go downhill from there. After many days of listening to theory and the proper incantation and wand movement, we were today going to practice the charm first hand.

I was sitting with Victoria, and we were waiting for the professor to come. In the meantime, I was talking with Victoria about TV shows, since she was raised around Muggles she knew about them, "Full house... huh?"

She smiled and said, "Yup~ that's what we watch during dinner time, I also like Degrassi and Doogie Howser."

I chuckled and she asked, "What?" I shook my head and said, "Nothing, just kinda weird to hear all these names here."

She nodded and said, "Yeah, I mean, some of them still think we use buggies to get around."

I nodded and said, "I just wonder how'd they react to something like a TV or something like that..."

Prof. Flitwick walked into the class, and he got up on a pedestal and said: "One of the most rudimentary and important skills is levitation or making objects fly, do you have your feathers? Now the incantation of the charms is 'win gar dium levi ohhh sa' and the wand movement is a swish and a flick."

After a brief pause, he said, "Now with me... 'win gar dium levi ohhh sa'"

I cleared my throat and said, "win gar dium levi ohhh sa." The feather started to float. I controlled its movement perfectly. Prof Flitwick looked at my feather in the air and said, "Excellent Mr Beeston, 10 points to Slytherin."

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