Ch.25 Buisness proposition.

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(Daphne's POV)
I was sitting in my room reading some books… it's been a couple of weeks since the summer break started. I offered Jonathan to come to my house to conduct some of his experiments, but I haven't heard from him yet. Actually, none of us have, he has been awfully quiet.

It kinda worries me a little. As I was sitting in my room, a black owl approached my window. It knocked on my window with it's beak, the owl was carrying a parcel. I didn't recognize the owl… but I got up and opened the window. It game me the letter and I opened it.

I opened the package, and it was filled with muggle devices, and it also contained a booklet and a letter from Jonathan.

It read "
How are you doing. Hope all of you are well. Sorry for not replying to your letters, but I was a little occupied with work. I am writing this letter because of a business proposal that I have for your Father" and it went on to describe why he had sent these muggle tools to me and what is it that do. Honestly, it was pretty amazing for him to be able to achieve something like this at our age.
"You can test the products yourself, then you can ask your father about the proposal I have for him. Please reply soon.
PS:- The owl is named Nimbus."

I was a little angry at him, he doesn't write back for days, and now he asks me to reply soon. I huffed and put the letter down. The owl looked at me and hooted, I petted him and said "Fordy!"

Fordy our house elf appeared in the room. He bowed and asked, "Yes, young mistress?"

I looked at him and said, "Get Nimbus something to eat." He bowed and took Nimbus with him.

I opened the booklet and read as to how to operate the "Disk man" It was a yellow colored round shape device I pressed the open button and the top opened, and I put the "CD" that he had sent me.

Put on the "Headphones" and pressed play and music started to play, but it was coming from the "Headphones" It was weird to see how it worked, the music pouring into my ears wasn't anything I had heard before it was fun after a few minutes I felt happy, and I started to move on my own.
(The song is "Try a little tenderness.")

I have never felt such a disconnect from the world before, It was as if I was the only one that existed.

I felt someone's hand on me and I faintly heard "What are you doing?" I was scared to death, I turned around and saw it was my sister Astoria.

She looked at me and was confused and asked again, "What are you doing?" I pulled the headphones down and caught my breath and asked, "What are you doing here?"

She tilted her head and said, "Well, I wanted to play with you, I called you so many times, but you didn't answer, so I came in and saw you were dancing."

I smiled and said, "I was testing something that my friend made. Do you want to see it?" She nodded I put those headphones on her ear and pressed played the music started. She was confused, and she asked loudly, "How is music coming from them!?"

I then laughed and explained how it worked, and she was impressed by Jon's invention. I then took all the prototypes to Father, I walked inside his office and he looked at me with a surprised expression and asked, "You look chipper today What is it? And what is in that box you are holding?"

I walked up to him and put the box down and said, "Father, I would like to talk to you about a business opportunity."

He looked curious, and he leaned back on his seat. I opened the box and then pulled out the muggle devices and explained how these muggle devices worked and without any interference from the surrounding magic. How all of them have practical uses and also explained how with the recent development that has been made with Radiofrequency, Jon's product could make us the riches.

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