Chapter 10: Avalon

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Sun gleamed into the bedroom as it rose by the windows. My body ached from the sleeping position. I heard the creak of a door opening, causing my body to shoot up. We fell asleep, for my body was the same as when I last remembered.

    "Josh?" I said, my voice croaked of dehydration.

    "We fell asleep," his rasp even more there from the morning. I rubbed my eyes, coming to realize the product my face still stayed. I groaned silently.

    "Are you leaving?" I asked, as he still stood in the doorway.

    "I have to get ready," he paused, "for work."

    "Right," I nodded, still groggy from the uncomfortable sleep. "You should do that then."

    He nodded, though not leaving his place. He looked upon the groggy girl, still in a t-shirt and jeans. The makeup on her eyes slightly smudged. What was he looking at?

    I stood up, starting to walk over to the closet, looking for something comfortable to wear. Though a voice startled me.

    "What are you doing?" his mother asked. I turned around. Josh still stood in the doorway, though a little more inside than when I last saw him. His mom stood inches behind him. He seemed to have been shocked by her words as well.

    "I'm not doing anything, I was just about to go get ready for work," his words in a low growl. His mothers eyes were on me in annoyance and anger, I shifted uncomfortably as Josh moved in front of her gaze.

    "What are you doing here?" she asked, not daring to hide her anger.

    "I was checking up on her," he lied, but she would never know. "Just stay out of things mother." Her eyes widened, as she opened her mouth to speak, though Josh stood tall, taking a step forward. He towered over her, as she was barely taller than myself. She closed her mouth with a scuff, walking away.

    I heard Josh sigh, placing a hand on the wall. I walked over, placing a hand on his lower back for comfort. He shivered beneath my touch, turning to me, my hand gliding from his back, to his side, to his stomach. I felt the creases of him beneath my fingertips as I moved gently across. The warmth traveled through him, to me, reaching my core. I quickly pulled away, my cheeks flushed. Looking up at him, hints of pink painted on his perfect face. The faded tan covered his skin, as the light blush came on his cheeks. His jaw was perfectly hiding beneath the small stubble. How he suited it so well with the black hair and forest eyes. His scent lingered millimeters away, teasing me; I just needed to be closer, though instead I smiled, taking a step back. He smiled back, looking into my eyes, sending goosebumps over my skin.

    "You should probably get ready," I reminded him. He nodded, staying in place. I took in a deep breath, needing some more air as he took mine away with his smile. How can someone I barely know, and barely knew me, do this to someone like me? I pushed some hair behind my ear, nodding my head, and taking a few more steps back.

    "I'll see you later, okay?" he said, still smiling, "remember my dad is here if you need him, and call or text me if you need to." he backed out of my room, turning around in the doorway, and closing the door behind him.

    I went back to the closet, picking out a light gray hoodie, along with some plain black leggings. It felt good having my own clothes, my own things. Nothing broken, dirty, or random. I stepped into the bathroom, it still gave me a shock of a sight. I grabbed a towel, placing it close to the shower, as I turned on the hot water. The jeans were a slight struggle to take off, but when done, I placed them in a neat pile near the door, continuing to take off the rest of yesterday's clothes.

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