Chapter 13: Avalon

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The dinner was amazing. The roast is evenly cooked with the moisture from the vegetables and cooked in its own cravey, which also covered the potatoes, and beans. The salad bowl was still damp with moisture on the sides, though the vinaigrette dressing with the wood added in more flavors.

    "Where's mom?" Josh asked his father, taking a bite of the food afterwards. He still wore the dirty white t-shirt and jeans, though his hands were now clean, well, cleaner from washing them. He suited the look well, though he seems to suit everything well. Something that charmed him as a person.

    "She's in her office," though he never looked up from his place, "she didn't want to come down to eat, that work is more important."

My gut churned. Why didn't she want to come take a break? Or come down and eat. Was it me?

"I helped with dinner," I said to change the subject. I saw a small smile appear on both of their faces.

"She was very helpful," Mr. Hayes added with a pleasing voice, "thank you Avalon."

I nodded welcomely with a smile in return, taking another bite.

"Well it's delicious," Josh complimented.

"Was it a good day?" he asked moments later.

"It was," I looked back to all the hours in the little nook upstairs, never wanting to leave the place.

"She read all day in the hidden library," Mr.Hayes laughed, with small hand jesters.

"All day?" Josh looked towards me with a bright smile that had a small hint of grin. Here come the butterflies.

"I made sure she ate," his father said, telling him about the small talk as we sat and ate lunch together, along with every time he came back a different book sat in my hands.

The talks went on and on. Even after we were all done eating we continued talking though cleaning up. I was thankful that no questions were based on my past, but I couldn't help but wonder if they wanted to. Did I want them to ask?

Josh walked up the stairs to shower, I stayed back helping with the final cleaning in the kitchen.

"What does he do for work?" I asked.
    "Construction," his words were full of pride for his son.

"Building? No wonder he has a lot of dirt," I laughed, he laughed along with me.

"Yea," he finally stopped laughing, "but he won't be doing as much in the fall then he does now."

"Why's that?"

"He's going back to school. College I mean."

"What will he be studying there?"

He paused for a moment, along with me. Fall? That's so soon.

"More construction I believe," he finally said.

"You don't know?"

"He never really said."

The words were shocking. It seemed that he told his parents everything. I guess I was wrong.

I didn't want him to go, but it wasn't up to me. And who knows if I'll still be here when he does. It's his life, I'm only a small chapter in his book, nothing more. I didn't like that thought as I walked up the stairs. I rather they leave me alone.

The sound of light water came the room across from my own. Josh was still in the shower. I ignored it, walking into my room. The sight still amazed me. How something could be so beautiful. And for now, it's mine. For who knows how long, it's mine. On a shelf by the bed, laid an unused notebook. I saw it earlier that day. I searched for a pen, finding one on the desk by the window. I sat down, and waited for inspiration to write.

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