Chapter 18: Joshua

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    "Ava?" my voice croaked. With her head against my chest, that I had caught moments before, in fear of her possibly falling to the floor completely.

    She was stuck. In panic, I didn't know what to do. Staring at her lifeless face, it almost looked like a ghost. Pale, with still the small colors of her lightning golden bruises on her face.

    I brought my lips against hers. They were cold, but the salt of her tears kept them from drying out. Slowly did they warm against mine, until slowly moving against my own. She was coming back. I know from the movement of her hands, touching the skin of my sticky body, and the more the movements of her lips syncing with mine, taking small breaths in between.

    My hands left the cups of her cheeks, moving down to the middle of her waist, bringing her closer to me, while her hands moved up to my neck, gently sliding her fingers until playing with the tail of my hair with her fingertips that I learned earlier that I enjoyed so much. I listened as small whimpers breathed against my lips while pulling away. Opening my eyes to watch the pink returning to the surface of her cheeks. Her lips swollen from the assault between our lips against one another. As well as her eyes fluttering open showing the brightness once again in the specks of gold in her brown eyes as she catches her breath, looking into my eyes like she always does.

    "Hi," her voice croaked from being so dry from crying.

    "Hi," I smiled softly, while she wiped away a tear from my cheek that seemed to escape.

    "Can I stay here with you?" she breathed, never letting go of her gaze to my eyes.

    "Of course," I cupped her cheek once more, watching as she leaned into my palm, closing her eyes. Watching as she lost the ability to stay awake

    I picked her up, supporting her head against my shoulder, while holding her from the bent of her legs, and just above the middle of her back. She didn't fight back from the jester, a week ago, she would have fought in fear, which seemed to have been a habit, as a guy taking a tired girl to his bed.

    I balanced her slightly in one arm, as I pulled away the covers of my bed, laying her head against the soft pillow, watching her sink into the mattress before covering her with the blanket, and grabbing a set of pajama pants to change into outside of the room.

    I walked out into the bathroom, taking off the jeans I have worn all day, changing into a pair of blue sweats, checking into the room every now and then before turning the light off, climbing in beside her. She sat up slightly, watching me lay beside her, moving in closer, laying her head against my bare chest. Her long brown hair draped behind her, a few strands falling forwards across her sleeping face, her body shivering in the moonlight while I pushed the hair softly behind her. I admired her, the dim light of the moon sparkling against her cheeks, glowing slightly with the purrs of her sleeping state.

    Memories of the softness of her lips moving against mine flashes in my eyes. For the sweet smell of her consuming my mind, with the shivering feeling of her hands softly on my skin. Reminds me of the first night she spent here, the morning while I felt her eyes watching me sleep, and her fingertips slightly hovering over my scars and tattoo. Though she never knew I was awake then, slightly watching her morning grogginess in my clothes that were definitely too big on her small, thin body.

    She laid small in my arms. Her feet barely being able to reach my own while are legs slightly intertwined. She laid perfectly in the crevices of my arms, with her head gently pressing against my chest, moving up and down with every breath.

    I kissed her hair on the top of her head where I could sleep, watching a small smile grow upon her lips until slowly losing consciousness, the only thing on my mind is the picture of the sleeping girl beside me.


The morning came early. As the sun peeked just over the horizon, leading a gold beam of light hitting the specks of her hair, leaving golden streaks in her strands. Watching her, mesmerized by her beauty, and peaceful state.

    I moved slowly, and gently as I wiggled from beneath her, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty. Laying her head against the pillow, watching her as the pillow falls beneath her. Until walking into the bathroom.

    While the hot water beamed on my steaming body, the reminder of the sleeping girl in my bed never leaves my thoughts. As the memories of last night flood my closed eyes, with the water running down my face. Revealing the fear that hides behind Ava's brown eyes, that reveals itself with the smallest triggers. Though those thoughts are rightfully pushed away with her smile that fits with her laugh. That soft sound that releases from her lips while I pull away from hers, with the soft touch of her fingertips, sending shivers down my spine even in the soldering water of the shower.

    With only a towel on my waist, and the hot steam around the bathroom, leaving a hot smell of fog in the air while I brushed my teeth with the running water. Peeping through the cracked door into my room, leaving a clear view of her still asleep on my bed, every now and then. The door allowed a slight cool breeze around the room, clearing out the steam from the previous hot water that turned my shoulders red underneath its touch.

    The moment of realization hits me, as the fact that there are no clothes besides the old pair of pants from last night in the room. I mumbled beneath my breath, figuring out a plan of what to do at this moment while peeking out through the door one last time, in sure that she wasn't awake just yet.

    The door quietly creaked open, while I silently creeped inside the room to the closet on the other side, making sure to keep the towel around my waist so it wouldn't fall. The birds chirped to the early sunrise, growing louder against every step closer to the window, reaching the closet and dresser for a pair of jeans, and t-shirt quickly, then walking back. But after settling on just a plain white t-shirt, with a light pair of jeans with small holes on the the right knee, and grabbing the necessary essential of clothing, I started my way back, only to see a girl, sitting up in her groggy state, widening her eyes the moment she sees me. Eyeing down at the towel before hiding her face in her small hands from embarrassment.

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