Chapter 26: Avalon

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Soon the nightfall came. Asher had already left for the party, leaving me alone in his home. It was weird being alone, I've never fully been alone since I've left my tragic life behind. In a way, after saying it out loud to Asher, it's as if a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. And I think he knows that.

    There's something about him that's different. Not only has allowed a safe place for me to open up to, but he also opened up his feelings, and seems to be showing his true self. Making him sweet, gentle, funny, kind. Everything that a girl would want, not to mention the soft fluffy hair, gorgeous deep blue eyes, with his soft tanned skin and pearly smile. God, he's like a god. And even gods have their weaknesses.

    Now, as I stand in his kitchen making something small to get me over the hours he'll be gone. the sound of the tv plays in the background to over mimic the sound of being alone. Though the time still slows. As the thought of Josh drinking over his sister floods my mind, it was something I couldn't imagine him doing. Is that why he didn't drink the other night? And the scars around his tattoo, and his hands all made sense now. Him being over protective, kind, and caring. "I can't lose her" plays in my head over and over.

    "Ouch," I squeal, looking down to see a small amount of blood where I had been cutting up some fruits and vegetables for my snack. I must have been distracted from my thoughts. I quickly grab a clean towel and apply a little bit of pressure to the injured finger. He must have a first aid kit somewhere.    

    I searched every cubby, every drawer in the kitchen, I could find the kit anywhere. I checked the cut over the sink, the bleeding slowed, but definitely was still bleeding. Putting back on the cloth and searching for my phone. Surely if I call him he could tell me and I can fix it up.

    "Hello?" His voice was barely there behind the loud music.

    "Where is the first aid kit?" I ask, hoping he could hear me.

    "What? Why?" he asked. In the background girls slightly giggled, with some people cheering.

    "Just a little mix up cutting up some snacks," I say shyly, hoping he won't get mad.

    "Okay, I'm on my way," he says.

    "Wait no you just have to-," he hangs up before I can finish. I didn't want to ruin his fun. But here I am, doing just that.


    About an hour later, Asher comes running into the door. I sat patiently at the island counter, the mess had been cleaned, and my flinger handed a now stained cloth around it. He stared between my face and hand before rushing over and grabbing it.

    "It's not bleeding anymore," I tell him calmly, "I just didn't have anything to wrap it with." He takes off the cloth to see a clean wound, nothing that I couldn't handle on my own. He takes a deep breath.

    "Come on, follow me," he says, taking me towards the downstairs bathroom. "Sit here please." His words were polite, but his tone was anger. What had happened? Was it me?

    He takes out a red bag from beneath the sink cupboard, taking out some bandages. Turning to me to attend my finger that was barely a sliver of a cut.

    "Im fine you," he stays quiet as he wraps my finger, "is something wrong?"

    He stays quiet, and all of a sudden this tension feels uncomfortable. It was almost 1 am by now, and this makes me want to crawl in bed, alone. He stares blankly at me while I watch him bandage the go around my finger and he tapes it up. What really happened that he now isn't talking to me? This morning he couldn't help himself around me, now I'm just a.. Burden.. He turns around, putting everything back in the bag. I took my chance and bolted to the spare room, swallowing the lump forming in my throat that made it feel like I couldnt breath as I paced back and forth from the bed and the door.

    "Oh god, why is this happening," I say to myself. I felt used in a way. Was he over me already? Was it just another one of his games?

    "Ava?" his voice calls out behind the door, and I'm praying he doesn't come in. but he does anyway after a gentle knock. "What's wrong?"

    "You're asking me what's wrong? What's wrong with you? You are talking to me. Just so angry." I say, taking a deep breath before laying down on the bed. "Please don't have the rude Asher back, I like the kind, gentle one."

    "I'm sorry," he says calmly, kneeling in front of me while one of his hands rested on my thigh. "I didn't mean to be rude, I just didn't want to say something that I could regret later on. But now I regret not saying anything." his hand trails upwards as his face comes closer to mine, "please don't be upset with me."

    Why is he doing this? Knowing the power he has over me. But in a way it calmed my nerves that I couldn't do on my own.

    "Asher," I breathed, "not right now, please." he stopped, respecting my words, but staying in the same place, lingering around before going to sit beside me. "Did something happen at the party?" I asked. Really hoping for an answer.

    "Just a mix up with someone. Nothing to worry about," he smiles at me. "Now how about what's bugging you," he nudges me slightly.

    "It's nothing," I smile at him, hoping he gets the message that I didn't want to talk about it.

    At this point he gets it. At least I hope he does. But right now, there is something off about the man in front of me. Is he looking at me differently? Does he think differently of me? Maybe there is someone else? A girl? Was I overthinking what he thought of me?

    He looks at me with a smile, suddenly I don't remember what I was thinking about. His charm that he has with his long hair, and deep blue eyes that mesmerize me. The ocean eyes are what pulled me into the current. The type that pulls you out to sea so far, you get tired and drown. It's peaceful. When the light hits the water, making it look like crystals. Diamonds almost. And the quiet muffled sound beneath the waves as your body slowly falls into the depth of the ocean. It chills you. As the farther you go, the less you see. Till only the sound you hear is your heart slowly stopping, and the moaning of the whales.

    But slowly, you fade into the forest. With the sound of the birds, the warm sun on your freezing skin. But slowly you fall, down to the ground. Onto the soft damp moss. And as the sun keeps you warm, you feel as if you can finally breathe. Once again you're in the white dress. Listening to the sound of the animals around the air, smelling the fresh smell of rain in the misty air. Once again you're with the silhouette of a tall male in a white suit. You feel his warmth as he nears closer. His eyes match the colors of the forest around us. He was light. The light and the warmth of the world. And he was Josh.

    "Josh?" a voice breaks me out of thoughts. Suddenly I find Asher staring at me with his hands around my waist. Did I say Josh's name out loud? What were we doing?

    "What?" I say, but he pulls away slightly. He looks at me puzzled, not understanding what was happening. I didn't either.

    "You said Josh? More so, moaned." he looks away in disbelief. What had I done?

I stared at him blankly, I honestly didn't remember saying a thing. But before I knew it, something else was happening.

He kisses me once more. This time I didn't push away, as I already felt my heart pumping out of my chest. But this was a different kiss. Instead of being gentle, it was rough yet still passionate. As he gripped at my skin, I couldn't help myself but let him in.

"Say my name" he grunts, nipping at my skin. "Say it," he practically begs this time.

"Augh.." was all I managed to say as he took a hold of my bottom lip with his teeth.

"Come on baby, say it," he begs more, his actions confuses me, but also ignites me.

"Ash-er," I finally said, listening to him groan at the sound of my voice.

"Good girl," he groans, I felt his smile against my skin.

And as the night went further into darkness, we stayed together all night. Close together, sharing the heat of our bare bodies. All seems to be forgotten. For now at least.

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