Chapter 15: Joshua

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    Doctor Reed takes me out of the room. Though I don't know why, he said things looked great. Though I saw her face while taking the exam. She looked terrified, panicked. Along with the slight wince of pain from her neck.

    "Can we send a nurse into exam room three, for a stitches removal," he handed over the clipboard to a male coworker past a counter, who wore the same green scrubs that Ava wore home a week ago. He nodded in response to collecting the clipboard.

    "Is everything alright?" I asked, worried for the response.

    "Do we know what happened?"

    "No, she hasn't said anything about it yet," I looked back towards the room where she sits, then back to doctor Reed. "she gets nightmares though. Bad ones. And I seem to be the only one to calm her down."

    "You've been with her since day one of this, she trusts you. You saw how she was with me, it seems like there was some sort of abuse."

    The word pained me. How could someone hurt such an innocent girl? This gentle, fragile girl that deserves the whole world.

    "Is she like this with everyone?" he asked, "or is it mainly set with one gender."

    "She hasn't been around so many people, mainly just my household, and a few of my female friends. But it seems to be like she's more scared than shy around men." my heart throbbed at the thought of someone hurting her.

    "We can set her up with a therapist here at the hospital, or keep it closer to your house if you like."

    "No, I don't think she would want that," I looked back towards the door, "maybe we just give her more time to warm up."

    "Of course. If anything changes, call me," he handed me a small white card with his name and number as I looked back at him. This tall doctor is barely taller than myself, who has more stubble than I do, though was so gentle with her, not knowing her past. Made her more comfortable. I have to be grateful.

    "Thank you," I told him with a smile, walking back to the room. Where there is a slight yell behind the door.

    "No! don't touch me!" her voice comes behind, as I rush into the room.

    Ava is sitting in a corner of the room behind the chair where I sat, tears rolling down her cheeks, while a male nurse stands a few feet ahead of her, his hands above his head to show innocence towards her. A table of supplies are knocked over by the bed with the paper ripped from earlier. Maybe more now.

    "I need some help in here!" the nurse yells. He doesn't think she's a threat, does he? A panic washes over me as more nurses walk in.

    "No, no, no," I ran over to her, pushing anything in my way, "she's okay. She's okay."

    I walked towards her slowly as I got closer, making sure it was okay to do so as I placed out a hand, using the other to back off the others in the small room. Her mascara ran down her face, her eyes puffy from the tears with scared brown eyes.

    "What happened," I whispered, kneeling in front of her as she took my hand.

    "I don't know," she sobbed, "he came in, and I got scared. I'm so scared Josh." The pain in her voice brings tears to my own eyes, as I used gentle movements around her like the first time I met her.

    "You're okay. I'm here. You're okay," I tell her, softly. She nods her head, as I slowly pull her into a hug. She lets out a few more cries in my arms.

    "You guys can go," I tell the others, "she's okay."

    "But she needs to go to the psych ward. She's gone cra-..."

    "She's okay!" my voice slightly elevated, "get me doctor Reed, or a female nurse. Please."


    I took her over to the bed. Her body had finally stopped shaking, as I picked up the packages of sterile tools on the ground, placing it on a tray. Her swollen eyes looked down towards the ground, her feet moving slowly. I grabbed a napkin to wipe away the ruined make-up.

    "I'm sorry," she croaks. Her voice was raw from crying. I meet up with her, coming towards her for yet another hug.

    "Don't be sorry. Don't you ever be sorry," I tell her into her ear. I feel her shiver into my arms.

    We are startled by the door opening, doctor Reed came inside. It had only been an hour since he was last here. His face is full of confusion as he eyes the puffiness in hers. I walked towards him, so he didn't have to speak so loud in front of her.

    "What happened?" he whispers.

    "One of your male nurses did not know how to be around her, and scared her," I told him, his eyes showing an expression of shock. "I managed to calm her down, they were trying to do something with her.." I trail off my words.

    "I'm so sorry, I should've made sure it was a female. I'll make sure to put it in her chart for next time she's here." I nod in agreement.

    He walks carefully towards her, she nods saying it's okay. She motions me over, and I listen. She takes my hand as I stand beside her. Her hand is soft. Warm. She leans on me for comfort. It hurt my heart, seeing the state she's in right now. I wasn't here to prevent it.

    "Can you lay down for me? And place your foot flat against the bed?" he asks. He is so gentle with her, not knowing her past. He takes his time, and is so patient with her, making sure she's comfortable. I know she likes it too. As she nods, and does as he asks, still holding my hand.

    "I'm going to numb the area slightly, so you might feel a slight pinch," he says, waiting for the nod of acceptance.

    She squeezes my hand slightly, shutting her eyes while letting out a deep breath, as the needle for the numbing pokes her foot. She's doing so well with everything, despite that moment with the nurse. She does so well. So strong, and independent. One of the many things I love about her. Love?

    "Let's give the numbing to take effect now, while I get the rest ready," he said calmly. Ava breathed deeply in, releasing the pressure of my hand. I knew she was okay. Her heartbeat that I felt moments ago in her palm slowed, the rising in her chest went to a normal pace.

    "Can you feel this?" Doctor reed asked, she shook her head no, as hadn't noticed the touch on her foot as he tapped it gently. He smiled kindly, "I'm going to start removing them."

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