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I came back to Studio A after crying in the bathroom for a bit and then washed my face.

"Where were you?" Emily asked me straight as I walked in.

"I was..."

"Doesn't matter. Come on, we gotta work."

I took my spot next to Riley and went through the dance with the rest of the girls. "Are you okay?" Riley asked me.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Me and James are the focus of this dance, and he's in a different studio right now and I can't stand looking at him, let alone dancing with him.

Chris and Kate walked inside the studio with pizzas. "Anybody seen the boys?" Chris asked. Emily explained everything that happened. "They were messing around?"


"So where are they?"

"Studio b."

"Okay. I'll be back." Chris walked out of the studio.

We all walked towards Kate to get some pizzas but she said no pizza until the boys are there.

Meanwhile we kept working on the dance. Somehow I managed to keep my head focused on the moves.

The boys walked inside with Chris. "Looks like the animals are back in the farm." Emily said.

"At least we don't look like them." James replied.

Every one of them started arguing with each other and screaming at each other. I just didn't have the energy.

I walked to the bar and did some exercise with my ballet shoes.

The next thing I heard was Kate trying to do the dolphins tile and everyone laughing at her. "Oh, right, you think that's funny. Any other dancer would kill for this opportunity. You're throwing it away. Look at Isabel." They all turned to look at me. "Look what she's doing, and what you are. So I'm calling the band and calling it off."

"What! Kate!" That's where I joined them.

"It's too late to beg. It is way too late. I'm sick and tired of it."

This whole thing is James' fault. I had a chance to work with brighter brightest and he messed it up.

I sighed and walked back to the bar while Emily and James walked to Kate's office.

After three minutes Emily came back out. "All right everybody, looks like we're continuing with the music clip."

I'm glad they got it back. But I don't know if I can perform in front of them with james.

We were waiting for Alex and Derek to come see the dance but I was stressing out. "Hey are you okay?" Riley came over to me.

"I don't know if I can dance in front of them."

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