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we're all now at the crowd watching the male soloist of LOD.

his technique is amazing. but his face just stayed so serious. i don't see any emotion in his eyes which makes it hard to explain why he is so good.

i can't wait to get on that stage. i am so excited to see Eldon and i'm so excited to dance there myself.

after he finished dancing i went outside to check who's Eldon up against and i was not happy with what i saw. "izzy." i heard James' voice behind me and i turned to face James and Eldon.

"hey!" i said trying to hide my nerves.

"what are you doing here?" Eldon asked me.

"i just checked who you up against."

"oh yeah? who?"

the truth is i don't want Eldon to find out but he kind of have to.

i let Eldon and James see the board. "who's superstar dance?" James asked.

"i don't know. sounds familiar though."

"you guys." i said to them. "it's—"

"it's me." i was cut off by Daniel walking in front of us. "it's me against you, Eldon."

"alright." Eldon replied sharply.

"good luck. you're gonna need it. my solo is killer."

"whatever man, you're gonna be so upset that you left The Next Step when Eldon's through with you." James said.

"okay, let's go." i told the two boys and dragged them away from Daniel.

"i'm ready to kill it like twice as much." Eldon said to us.

"you better." i told him.

the whole team were backstage with Eldon, Kate and Phoebe.

Kate went to wish good luck to Daniel but he was being a snob about it and ignored her.

Daniel went first, and i hate to say that he was great. this is not what i expected from him. he brought his A game and he danced beautifully. he really wants this and it made it so much more special.

when Daniel walked off stage, i looked to my right at Eldon, and by his expression, he was nervous and angry at the same time. "Eldon?" i let go of James and touched his hand. "you've got this."

he looked at me, "do i?"

"whatever happens next, you are a great dancer, and more importantly a better person than him. you've got this. we all believe in you." he smiled slightly at me, and then walked on stage and we all cheered for him.

when Eldon started dancing my whole body just softened and watched him.

i had the amazing opportunity of helping him choreographing this dance, and i have to say, it's the best dance he's ever performed.

i don't think Eldon ever realized that he was dancing his story. for me, and for everyone who watched this, this performance could never be better. never could be more powerful.

at this moment, i am so proud of him. and everyone got his back. i think we have a pretty good chance of winning with this dance.

when Eldon finished, the whole team, and the whole crowd stood up, clapping for him.

both James and Riley grabbed my hands as Daniel made his way to the stage and took Eldon's side.

"the judges have tabulated the scored and the team moving on to the second round is..." a quick pause who literally could kill me. "The Next Step!"

we all jumped in excitement and screamed happily. i hugged Kate and then we all jumped on Eldon, hugging him. "i knew you could do it!" i said to him with a smile.

"thanks izzy." he said and i hugged him.

the next round is the boys small group. i am so excited to see them performing on stage, and see James dancing is the most beautiful thing in the world.

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