bonus chapter (2)

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for a whole month things were going okay with my friends back home. Eldon did call a lot. James did as well, just as friends. and me and Riley text all the time. she's now the head of the studio and i'm really proud of her.

i miss the next step with every breath i take, but it's going pretty well here.

my roommate at the dorms is called Grace, and she's so nice. we get along really well. she's a very good dancer and she's even better at studying, so at least i have someone to make sure i study and not just dance.

i'm loving the school. dancing is the best part of it but it feels wrong not having my best friends with me.

i'm now in the park of the school, taking some time to myself, listening to music when someone came and sat down next to me.

"you're new right?" he asked and i took my headphones out.

"first year, yes."

"saw you in class the other day. you were great."

"thanks." i smiled at him.

"where'd you come from?"

"Canada. i just won Internationals." i smiled at those words, i am so happy i get to say it.

"you're from the next step? wow. i actually saw your tie breaker duet, you were amazing. you two had so much chemistry."

i looked down. "thanks."

"did i say something wrong?" he asked softly.

"no, no. it's just... i'm kinda homesick."

"i get that. the first few months are tough." i looked at him. "i'm Ethan."

"Isabel." i said back.

"so, Isabel, when can i take you out to dinner?" i chuckled nervously. "or not? if you have someone back home."

"i-i don't. well, not anymore. we broke up."


"don't worry about it. but i'm not ready. sorry."

"i'll see you around then." he stood up. "have a nice day."

"you too." he walked away.

i pulled my phone out and texted Riley.

someone just asked me out!


i said no, though. i can't. not yet.

i get that. but you need to go out you're always studying or dancing.

i know she's right. but it's kinda hard.

four months later:

i walked with my books, rushing to my room when someone bumped into me and i dropped my books.

i groaned and picked them up. "sorry." the voice said. i looked up to see Ethan. "Isabel." he said with a smile.

"oh, hi." i smiled at him. "what's up?"

"what's up? you are the one running."

"yeah, umm... i have a phone call date."


"with my best friend. Riley." i said quickly and he looked up again. "Riley who's my best friend. she's the head of the next step now, so she asked to talk."

"oh, well, i won't keep you away from your best friend Riley." i smiled nervously. "actually... do you want to go to the movies tonight." i looked at him nervously. "as friends." he added quickly.

"as friends?"


"okay. sure, why not? meet me at the gate at seven."

"see you then."

i called Riley for a bit and then called Stephanie. Steph is in Los Angeles perusing her acting dream and i am so proud of her.

but i literally have no idea what to wear. i only left the a few times but now i feel even more nervous.

i ended up wearing simple jeans and a cute tight white top and after getting ready i walked to the gate and Ethan was already there.

"hey." he said with a soft smile. "let's go."

we left the gate and we started walking to the cinema. there was an awkward silence but then he broke it.

"how's school going?" he asked me.

"fine. i mean, it's a lot to process." i answered.

"i know. i've never been that good at school."

"if i put my mind into it, i can study a lot, but i'd rather be in the studio, you know? especially now."

"why?" i looked at him. "seriously, why?"

"it doesn't matter."

"wanna tell me about him?" i looked away. "we said we're friends, right?"


"really." he said again.

"well, James and I were family friends so he was always kinda there. and we decided to break up now because long distance is bullshit, but i'm missing my friend more than anything."

"how long have you been together?"

"a little over a year. but i've been in love with him for so long. just i only figured it out then."

"crazy ex girlfriend?" he asked and i chuckled.

"something like that." i looked at him. "what about you?"

"what about me?"

"any heartbreak? any family drama? because i've got a few."

"no family drama. but heartbreak? yeah."

"what happened?"

"she decided i'm not interesting anymore. she danced with me at the studio. and when this new guy joined, she broke up with me."

"i'm sorry. that sucks."

"yeah. it does." we arrived at the cinema and we stopped talking.

we watched the movie and when we went back out it was pretty cold. i wrapped my hands around my chest trying to warm myself up.

"you're cold?" he took his sweater off and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"thanks." i said with a smile.

"so family drama?" he asked.


"you said something earlier. only if you wanna talk about it though."

"well... my dad died when i was thirteen. it was a disaster. i stopped eating, i stopped dancing, i pushed everyone away."

"im sorry."

"yeah, it was horrible. and then my brother got addicted to drugs, and he overdosed a few months ago so my mom sent him to a recovery center in London without telling me. and then she crashed James' aunt wedding and got super drunk so im not talking to her anymore."

"wow, okay. remind me to never complain next to you."

i chuckled. "everyone got a baggage." i said with a shrug.

we arrived at the gate and we walked back inside. "i had a really great time." he said to me.

"me too." i smiled at him.

he leaned in to kiss me but i looked away awkwardly. "im sorry." he said.

"no, i-im sorry. i'm still not ready."

"i understand." he took a step back. "we've got a class next week together. be my partner?"

"you're a ballet dancer?"


"a little. sure. i'll be your partner." i smiled at him. "good night, Ethan."

"good night, Izzy."

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