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i went to the music room and chose a song. i decided to do it on my point shoes, it's been a while since i danced with them on and it's my comfort zone.

i saw James walking inside in the middle and when i finished dancing he came over to me. "you're good." he said.

"thank you. it still needs a bit of work."

"nah, you're perfect."

"what?" i said quietly.

"the dance. the dance is perfect." he said quickly, correcting himself.


"honestly, i think you have that solo in the bag."

"can you not come? to the audition? i... i'm too nervous and you—"

"yeah i get it. i kind of have to go anyway so... bye." he walked to the door.

"thanks by the way."

"for what?"

"i know Eldon didn't do it by himself. you wanted me to do it the first time so... thanks."

"no problem, Iz. always." he walked out of the door.

"and forever." i finished it and then kept working on the solo.

me Riley and Emily were talking just going over the plan and then Amanda started dancing with the same song as mine.

when it was my turn i went on. and after dancing for a while i give Emily the signal. "what are you doing!" she yelled. "is that a jump? come on get it together, Izzy! is that a jump?"

i stopped dancing as she distracted me. "Izzy, keep going." Tahlia said to me.

"what are you doing?" i asked Emily fake hurt.

"what am i doing! what are you doing? what is this? this is a mess! you're a dance captain come on!"

"Emily, you need to settle down, you're taking it way too far." West said defending me.

"and you need to sit down!"

"you made me do that." i said with a voice crack.

"you're going to blame this disaster on me? get it together, izzy!"

"she was probably just thrown off, let's just..."

"she's not even acting like she's on A troupe right now."

"em, how could u do this to me?l i asked her quietly.

"you're an embarrassment." i closed my eyes and then ran out of the studio.

"izzy, don't go! Izzy!" they all yelled after me.

i hope Amanda brought our story because that was harder than i thought.

Riley came quick after me, part of the act. "you okay?" she asked me.

"yeah. don't worry. it was an act."

Em opened the door and walked in the hallway. she walked towards us and she started crying. "i'm sorry, Em." i said and me and Riley hugged her.

after a while i walked into Kate's office and Amanda was in there. "hey. what's going on?" i asked them.

"oh, Izzy, i was just about to come find you." Kate said to me. "Amanda you can go." Amanda left.

"what's going on?" i asked again.

"i was thinking maybe Amanda could replace Emily and be a co captain with you."

"what!" i spit out. "why?"

"you worked with a co captain—"

"you don't think i can do it?"

"that's not it."

"good. because there is no way i'm working with her. i can't. me or her, Miss Kate."

"you. of course." she said after a quick pause.

"thank you." i took a deep breath. "i still want that solo." kate sighed. "come on, Miss Kate you know i can do it."

"i know you can do it, Izzy, that's not it. i still hope you and James do the duet. i don't know what happened between you two but i know you can get through it. but if you really want it, we'll do a rematch, just you me and Amanda."

"thank you. and about the duet, i don't think it'll happen."

after changing clothes i walked out of the building and to the park where James like to hang out.

i walked towards him and then he saw me. "hey what's up?" he asked me.

"i thought i'd find you here." i said.

"yeah. hey, how did your solo go?"

"umm, well—"

"Eldon told me. are you okay?"

"yeah i'm fine. i asked for a second chance, though. Kate agreed, but she kind of still hope we'll dance the duet."

"well why not?" i sighed. "Iz, come on. i was thinking about our relationship, and our break up. and i'm not down with it. i'm getting you back."

"you can't get me back, James, it's too late for that." i said softly.

"yes i can. and i will."

"it's too late—"

he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "look, Izzy, i messed up. i'm sorry. but i will get you back."

all i wanted through this whole thing is for him to say he will fight for me. and then he did.

i stood on my top toes and kissed his cheek. "we'll see." i said to him and then walked off.

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