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the four of us sat at the side and looked at the dancers practicing.

suddenly they have five minutes.

Riley, James, Beth, Noah and Richelle came back from the music room.

why was Beth with them? Riley and James are friends, but Beth? no way.

"alright, group 1 to the floor." Kate said.

Chloe, Amanda, Jake, Charlie, Cass and James were the first group who did the choreography.

they all did great. it looked like they're putting all of themselves into it. Charlie messed up a bit the pirouettes and that was worrying.

group two went on. Riley, Daniel, Morgan, Beth, Tahlia and West. Ri did amazingly. Beth was a bit slow and i liked it.

group 3 went next. Eldon, Giselle, Richelle, Noah, Hunter, Steph who showed up but she didn't do well. that made me so nervous. i exchanged looks with Emily.

"thank you! you guys were amazing. thank you so much." kate said. "we'll go talk about it and we'll be back soon."

"Ri." i called her.

"what's up?" she asked me.

"why was Beth with you and James?" i asked her.

"she... umm, she asked James to go through the choreography with her. but both of us did."

"right okay."

"look you don't need to worry about it. James loves you. you guys will be fine."

"yeah thanks Ri."

i walked inside the office just when Emily did with the juices. we were talking for a few minutes about who's gonna make it.

"she did really well. she picked it up so good." Kate said about Amanda.

"she was a worse version of myself back in Elite." Emily said.

"i just don't like her." i said. "she's a great dancer but we can't have the chance of more drama."

"West doesn't have much technique. James has it. West doesn't."

i'm trying my best not to defend James but he did really well. not just because he was my boyfriend.

"isabel what do you think?" Phoebe asked me.

"izzy doesn't get a say about James and she knows it." Kate said.


"boyfriend." i said.

"oh right."

"Kate but he danced well." i said.

"izzy." she warned me.

"i know i know." i went silent again.

"Stephanie didn't show up to the choreo. and we saw that. she danced horribly." Phoebe said.

"it's tough guys. she was part of the team who brought us to regionals." kate said.

"daniel danced well. but it's a risk to take him with the injury."

we talked about each of them until we made our nationals team. and it's a really great team. but we're gonna have a lot of disappointment dancers.

we walked out of the office towards everyone.

"it's official. we have our 12 dancers for a troupe." kate said and everyone clapped.

"in A troupe we have Riley." she walked up front happy. we called her name first because we knew how nervous she was.

"Eldon. James." James walked next to Riley and Eldon, and send me a kiss. "Giselle. West." i'm glad he made it. he's so good. "Hunter."

when we called his name we saw how disappointed Eldon was and James too, took his side.

"Michelle." kate kept calling the team. "Tahlia. Chloe. Daniel." i'm glad we took this risk. "and last but definitely not least Amanda."

i was so sad that Steph didn't make it. she's a good dancer and she's one of my best friends. but she did really bad in her audition and we can't risk that.

i walked over to Steph. "Steph. i'm so sorry."

"it doesn't matter." she walked away.

"iz!" James screamed behind me and he lift me in the air.

"i told you i wouldn't have to fight for you. you made it on your own." i told him.

"i love you." he said and kissed me.

"i love you too."

"you two a couple?" i heard Beth asking behind me.

"umm yeah." James said.


"can you back off now?" i said to her and she walked away.

"iz don't be jealous."

"look who's talking. he literally asked my name."

"so? you're mine." he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

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