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i walked in the juice bar, and sat down in front of Chloe. "hey. i heard what happened." i tell her softly. "i can't believe it."

"neither can i. something about it just seems so wrong." she said.

"more like fishy."

"we've got to—" i shushed her as soon as i saw Amanda walking inside the room with Stephanie and took Chloe closer to them, still hiding.

"why does it seem like a kid drew all over your money?" Steph asked Amanda.

"don't worry about it." she said and they left.

"did you see that?" Chloe asked me.

"no, what?"

"there was a drawing on her money."

"okay?" i asked her to go on.

"Margie drew it, Amanda took the money and i know how to prove it, come here." Chloe dragged me to the register of the Juice Bar and Chloe asked for that 5 dollar cash and i gave her mine in return.

then we took the money and ran upstairs to Kate's office.

almost the whole team were upstairs and we told them the story, proving Emily is innocent.

and then, Amanda walked in. "oh hey Amanda. come join us." Kate said to her.

"why is she here?" Amanda asked, referring Emily.

"oh, Izzy, Chloe, why don't you repeat that story you just told us?"

"we'd love to." i said happily.

she's about to get what she deserves, and what's been coming to her for the longest time.

"well it's actually kinda funny. i was at the juice bar, trying to see if Chloe was okay after everything that happened and i saw you and Stephanie walk in to order a couple of juices." i said.

"and you paid for those juices with the bill i know came from lockbox." Chloe pulled the bill with the little drawing on it.

"busted!" Hunter said.

"what is going on, Amanda?" Kate asked her.

"i'm still at Elite!" she said. "in fact, i'm dance captain at Elite. and the only reason i came here was to make sure The Next Step didn't make it to Nationals. and i think i've done my job since there's only nine of you. but anyways, have fun."

Amanda left the studio and i was happy she was gone. but she is right. we only have nine dancers.

"so Emily, you knew Amanda was a double agent?" West asked her.

"of course i did. all the awful stuff i've done? i would never steal the money, or rip on Izzy, or rip on any of you! but i couldn't tell you guys until i had proof."

"Em, we're really sorry." Giselle said to her.

"well, you should be!" she said, holding back tears and we all got in for a group hug.

after the hug we all just got so sad. we are missing one dancer. this is so so bad. i don't know what we're gonna do.

"how about we do a warm up? get ready for rehearsal?" Emily suggested- she's back on co-captain with me.

"i'm just not feeling it." Eldon said.

"what's the point?" Riley asked.

"i feel like doing a sad flip." West said. he bend down but instead of doing a flip, he just collapsed on the floor. "i'm so sad i can't even do a sad flip.

James walked in, holding a sheet of paper, happy and smiling. he talked rabbish with everyone until he got to me. "look. all 20 quests done, i'm your knight in shining armor and we're... back together! come in for a hug." he walked closer to me but i pushed him away.

"what's the matter? what? hey, any cut, any sprain, any bruise, i'm your man! yo, you need CPR bro?" he waved the paper in my face. "you like that?"

"Amanda just left the studio, so we only have nine dancers." i explained.

his smile disappeared and James crumbled his paper and threw it on the floor, hitting Gisele. "James, can you be serious for once in your life?" she threw the paper back at him.

"that could've caused a concussion, all right?"

i scoffed. "okay, everyone just take a break, come back in an hour." i said to them and everyone left with their bags.

"iz..." James walked closer to me and i smiled slightly.

i am very happy James completed the list. but i am not in the mood for any of this.

"i've completed the list."

"yes, you did."

"so we're back together now." he tilted his head down to kiss me but i pushed him away.

"look, i am happy you're done, but i need you to do one more thing for me."

"what's that?"

"get Michelle back."

he nodded. "you got it." he turned to walk out of the studio.

"hey, J?" he turned to look at me. "thanks." he smiled and ran off.

James texted me all the details of his plan. and we all worked on the dance he sent us.

as soon as we walked in the mall, thousands of people were dancing and i just knew that James' plan was working. he organized a flashmob and it looks so good so far.

J troupe and B troupe were there also, and then it was our turn to dance with her. she looked happy when she saw us. and we were happy too.

the flashmob is crazy. we all danced in unison, really trying to convince her to come back.

when the song ended, we all got down on one knees towards her. "Michelle , are you coming back to The Next Step?" James asked her loudly.

"well, i guess so!" everyone cheered and we jumped on her.

"hey!" James grabbed my shoulders and turned me to look at him. "that's it. i completed all the tasks." i smiled at him. "does that mean we're back together?"

"forever, James."

he smiled. "always, Iz." he pulled me in his chest and hugged me tightly.

then he backed out, looked at me for a second before crashing onto my lips and i've never been happier.

the team around us cheered louder and i pulled out to look at them, looking at us happily.

this entire flashmob was put on by James. this entire thing. i mean, he put so much effort into this , it's kind of incredible. i missed him. and i'm so happy.

"i love you." he said in my ear.

"i love you too." i said back and he wrapped his arms around me.

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