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me and James had been working on our dance to his Aunt Cathy's wedding for the last five days in a row.

the wedding is tomorrow and i'm kind of excited.

"it feels so good to have you back on A troupe." i said to James, smiling at him.

"honestly, i've been so busy with Anyt Kathy's wedding that i haven't really taken it in." he replied.

i am hanging out with James at Hildago's waiting for Aunt Kathy to arrive. we are now meeting her fiancé, which is exciting.

Aunt Kathy walked in saying hello cheerfully. "where's your fiancé? he is real right?" James asked her and laughed.

"he's just finishing his parking job. he wants to make sure that the car is parked equidistantly between the white lines and the pavement. he's a great parker." Kathy said.

"so weird." James exclaimed.

"so, how did you two meet?" i asked her.

"ah, well, Debrah, introduced us and it was magic!"

"that's my... that's my driving instructor right there." James said nervously and i turned to look at the entrance. "he's crazy! he's the crazy one i told you about. what if he's here to revoke my license?"

"don't be—"

"James!" i was caught off by him calling James.

"relax, he's my fiancé." Kathy said.

"what!" James basically yelled.

"isn't this exciting?"

"what?!" James exclaimed again and i giggled from the situation.

"i helped you introduce to the satisfying world of safe driving and now we're going to be family."

"how did i not know about this?"

"well, you know now. let's have a hug." he said and hugged James and Kathy together.

i did not see that coming. he's old driving instructor. he scares me.

"could you take a photo of us?" he asked me.


"do not take a photo of this." James said to me.

"take a photo." Arthur said again.

"i don't have a camera." i said, stuttered.

"there's a camera in everyone's phone, so i'll just keep hugging until there's a photo." i took the photo quickly, before James would die and then he looked at me and his head fell on my shoulder in frustration.

i went to the studio for a while before rehearsal and after the rehearsal me and James went back to Hildago's.

apparently the wedding is off. they were fighting over a cat? i'm really not sure.

"James? James? what are you doing here?" Debra walked in panicky.

"hey mom." he said to her.

"do you know what time it is? Uncle Enzo called. he told you missed your final suit fitting. you've got to go."

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