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I walked inside Studio A and I saw Eldon and Michelle dancing their duet. Riley walked in a second after me. "Eldon, aren't you forgetting something? Emily. Date."

He immediately grabbed his stuff and ran out of the studio.

When he left I grabbed James' hand and pulled him aside with me.

I pull James aside because I need to ask him where we are in our relationship, what are we right now.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Are we in a relationship?" I ask him.

He scoffed. "Did you just ask me that question?"

"I'm serious. I don't wanna be one of your stupid dates or whatever."

"well, I don't know. Do you wanna be in a relationship?"

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't want to." I said quietly.

"Is that a yes?" I nodded, slightly. "Just give me one second." I looked at him confused.

He walked away from me, stand next to the wall and then ran and did his back flip. And the rest of the team laughed.

He ran towards me and lift me in the air.

James: this is what I wanted for so long and finally it's actually real.

I'm really excited to start my new relationship with James.

He put me down and then kissed me quickly.

I brought some Indian dancers to show the group different styles. Their dance is so emotional and they work as a team.

"As dancers, I thought it would be important to show you guys different style of dance that we don't usually look at. They way that they danced was full of soul, I think that's what our regionals routine is missing."

"I think we should totally do one of their moves." Riley said. "Like the one with the feet."

"We could do something like that, just the feeling in the heart."

"What if we do a overhead lift?" Giselle suggested.

"No. Absolutely not. That's way too risky. We can't put that in at this point." Kate said.

"Giselle and I used to do overhead lifts all the time." Daniel said.

"Yeah, what about the helicopter lift or something like that?" I said.

"Yep, easy." Giselle said.

"Okay, we'll think about it. But in the meantime get back to rehearsal."  Kate said and walked to her office with Chris.

After Chris and Kate said no to the lift I took Daniel and Giselle aside to ask them if they can really do it.

They both explained the lift to me and then showed me that they could do it.

I decided to put the lift inside the dance because I think it's gonna make the dance better. They showed me they can do it so why not.

Mountain Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora