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Right now we are rehearsing the regionals routine without Daniel. We're missing one person which kinda ruin the whole atmosphere of the dance but we're trying our best.

It came down to James's solo but he messed up. "Sorry guys, can I try again?" He said to Kate.

"Sure James, but let's take five." She said calling a break.

We're missing one person, and it's my fault so I have to think about what's best for the team.

"Listen guys, I know it's gonna sound crazy but I think we should try convince Emily to come back." I said.

Emily is great dancer. She's gonna be our only shot at wining regionals.

"What?" Giselle asked.

"No offense, Izzy, but how are we gonna manage to do that?" West asked.

"Yeah, Emily is so stubborn, there's no way she's coming back." Riley said.

"This is her home. We're her family. We always were. I know we can do this. We can get Emily to come back. Why are you just giving up on the idea? Are you in?"

"Yeah!" They all agreed with me.

I walked to Studio B because James told me he's rehearsing over there. When I walked in Beth just walked out of the studio. "James. Hey."

"What's up?" He asked me, still dancing.

Seeing Beth with James, and I know she's still in love with him but I know James definitely doesn't like her anymore, so I guess it was nothing.

"How's the maths going?" I asked him.

"It's good." He said.

"When is your maths exam?"

"Coming up."

"Shouldn't you be studying?"

"I just finished studying. I'm good, I have to work on the solo now."

"Okay, but everyone is relaying on you to pass your exam."

"No, Izzy, everyone is relaying on me to get this solo."

I got annoyed at him now. "Okay. If you'll fail your maths exam, you're out of the studio."

"I just finished studying. I'll be fine. Thank you." He said with attitude.

"Whatever." I said and turned around out of the studio.

We all went to Elite in order to get Emily back. We decided I should go in first to try and convince Emily.

"What are you doing here?" Emily asked me.

"The next step wants you back." I said.

"My answer is no."

"Look, we all really sorry about the whole dance captain thing."

"If you think sorry is gonna cut it, you are way more delusional than I ever thought you were. Now please leave before you'll take this away from me too."

"I will not leave."

"You're not wanted here, okay?"

"Yeah, but we want you."

"We? Who's we? You're the only one that's here, Izzy."

"I'm the only one here? Look beside you." I said and she turned to look at the whole team. "We're here as a team."

"We came to get you back, Em." Steph said.

"We're all here for you." James said.

"We want you back, sis." Riley said.

"No. You guys made your bed, now lie in it."

"Good choice, Emily." The studio owner said to her. "You were doing fine here. So fine you're gonna move to front row. Isn't she, Amanda?" Lucian said.

"Why should I come back to the next step? To be embarrassed? Betrayed? Hurt?" Emily asked us. "And don't think I know you wouldn't be here if Daniel wasn't injured."

"Not true." Steph said.

"So not true." I said to her.

"Just leave. Now." We all turned to leave.

"Hi James." Amanda said to him.

"Hey." He said back and I flicked his arm.

"Hey Isabel." She said to me and I faked smile at her.

I hate that he dated every single girl in the entire dance community.

We all came back to the studio, frustrated. "I don't know what we're doing, but all I know is that today was a total disaster." West said.

"We were so close to get her back." Riley said.

"You all need to get over your warm fuzzy feelings. Emily's not coming back and we need to start thinking who we're bringing from b troupe." Steph said.

"There's Charlie, Zack and Beth."

"We're not bringing Beth." James said.

"Okay, I'll run the plan by Kate and I'll let you know." I said and walked to her office.

I know Riley talked to James about maths but he didn't listen to her just like he didn't listen to me. So I told her to talk to West and maybe he could convince him. And he did.

James told Kate he can't do the solo and maths and I'm proud of him. It was the right decision.

We were rehearsing the routine but it was going awfully and Chris stopped us and we took a break.

"Guys, guys, look who's back." Kate said walking in with Emily after her.

"Emily!" Everyone exclaimed and went up and hugged her.

"I gave it a lot of thought and Elite is a great studio, but it's not my home and it's not my family."

"Welcome back, Em." I said to her.

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