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right now i'm leading the warm up for everyone when Emily walked in late as part of our plan.

after the rehearsal i stood aside with James, while Eldon and West were practicing flips.

"hey so you know that list? i've been working on it." james said to me.

"so you're ready for number seven?"

"no, not yet. i've been researching it. i'm getting ready for some high attitude hiking. mentally preparing for number seven. i'm working on number 11 actually."

number 11 is that he has to make up a move and name it after me.

"i've already got the name, actually."

"what is it?"

"don't worry about it. it's a surprise."

"okay, when you figure it out, let me know." i said and then walked out of the studio.

after a while James texted me to meet him at the studio so that's what i did.

he walked in with a flip.

then he walked to the center of the studio. "number 11, coming at ya."

he did two back flips, a back roll and then pushed himself up to a handstand.

i kinda like the move it's actually kinda cool.

"and what do you call that?" i asked him.

"the Izzy roll up." i chuckled. Izzy sounds like easy. funny.

"i like it." i said.

"do you happen to have a pen so i can cross the move named after you off the list?" he asked me.

"no not on me."

"good thing i learned some magic," he pulled a pen out of my ear, "in anticipation for number seven, which by the way, i'm allergic to squid, could be a problem down the road."

i looked at his list. "i noticed that number one, break up with Beth, was still on there." i said to him.

i'm pretty sure we can't go back together until he breaks up with Beth.

"so perspective." he said and shoved the list in his pocket. "i'll have you known i'm working hard on getting that one crosses off. i gotta go. bye." he said quickly and ran out of the studio.

the next day at the studio Eldon informed all of us that he and Hunter are gonna dance battle for the solo again.

fine. whatever.

later me and James went to the juice bar and he tried to bring this fake stuff as a four cloverleaf which is one of the items on the lift.

he showed me a book, a two leaves stacked together. "no." i said to him.

"what about this?" he showed his arm with a tattoo of four cloverleaf with my name on it.

"you got a tattoo with my name on it?" i asked disgust.

"yeah. how do you say no to that?"

"no." i say.

i need a real life four leaf clover, not two leaf clovers tapes together, not a picture, definitely not a tattoo. a real life one.

then me and James went back to the studio and watched Hunter and Eldon's dance battle.

Eldon was doing great. he knows hunter now so i'm rooting for him.

then Hunter tried to do a kip up and he fell. Eldon gonna push him more and more. Eldon's gonna win.

Eldon won. i clapped for him and then hugged him. "good job!" i said in his ear.

James pulled me aside. "look what i have." he said and then pulled out a four cloverleaf.

"you did it. you actually got it."

"of course i did." he looked me in the eyes but i quickly looked away and at the group.

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