Chapter 5

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Andy shrugged, and Arnold stared, paralyzed. "To whoever's hiding, it's a party. We're all just here to dance and have fun. And remember, there's some pretty good alcohol in it for you." Instant anxiety overtook my body, and I squeezed my eyes shut in fear. A clammy hand gripped mine and attempted to drag me from behind my impenetrable human wall. I yanked my arm back, and the guy rolled his eyes, pointing at me to confirm I was behind them.

Friggin jerk!

"Well, either they come out and come up, or one of you takes their place," Grey said.

"I gotcha, Hazel," Andy said nonchalantly. I moved behind Arnold, who slumped, relief overtaking his body.

I couldn't stay. Grey would probably want me to go up next or have Arnold take my place; Arnold would die if that happened. So once Grey focused on everybody on stage, I yanked Arnold out of the room.

"Thank you," he said, relieved. "Sorry about that in there... I was really—I'm just sorry." I waved it away and patted his back.

As Andy danced, Arnold and I had a brief exchange in conversation, me using my Notes app to respond to what he said.

"You type so fast," he said.

I have to. How else will I keep up with the conversations I have with people? I wrote.

"True," he said and spoke to me about this chemistry assignment, ironically enough causing me to be unable to keep up with the conversation mentally. I hated chemistry sophomore year, but he was one of those people who continued with it, taking Chemistry II.

"All right, everybody who participated, meet me in the kitchen in about 15 minutes," Grey's voice echoed. A minute later, Mindy and Andy came strolling out of the room.

"You guys survived!" Arnold said. Andy pulled him into a headlock and gave him a noogie.

"You were so annoying," Andy said, laughing.

"Nu-uh!" Arnold protested.

Mindy placed her hands on her hips and playfully glared at me. "And you! How dare you make Andy go up instead of dancing with that hottie?"

Hottie isn't generous enough.

People began to file out around us. Fearful of seeing Grey, who undoubtedly needed to leave through the only two doors to the room we were standing next to, I grabbed Mindy by the arm and started to tug her down the hall.

"What?" she asked and laughed. I didn't want her to see my panic, but I was freaking out. Grey could not see me. If he recognized me, my secret could get out, and everybody would even think I was insane—creepy. And yes, that's an extreme series of events to jump to, but I never wanted to risk it.

"What's up, guys?" I heard Grey's voice shockingly close behind me. How the hell did he dip through the crowd so quickly?! I tensed up, my eyes meeting Mindy's. She gave me a confused smile.

"How's everybody enjoying the party?"

"It's really fun!" Mindy said excitedly.

"Yeah, it's cool," Arnold added.

"How about you?" Grey tapped my shoulder. I flinched.

"She doesn't talk," Mindy said. "She signs, though."

"That's perfect; I love practicing my ASL," Grey said. Mindy smiled widely, then spun me around to face him.

His laid-back expression instantly sharpened with recognition; my stomach dropped, dread pooling into it.

"Do I know you?" he signed. I quickly shook my head. He narrowed his eyes and kept his gaze fixated on me.

"I'm serious; we've never met before," I signed nervously.

I could tell he didn't believe me, but he didn't push it further. Instead, he shrugged and walked off.

"What was that?" Andy asked. I shook my head, unable to do anything else.

"Come on, let's go follow him to get whatever alcohol he's saying we earned," Mindy said, hitting me on the back. Then, through my resistance, she dragged me into the kitchen where Grey and some of his buddies were drinking beers.

Grey's eyes locked onto mine.

"Hey," Andy said, slightly stepping in front of me. "I had fun earlier." He shifted uncomfortably as all eyes fell on him. Grey grabbed a bottle off the table with reddish-brown liquid. The word "Hennessy" was legible before he placed it down on the island in the middle of the room.

"Cool, " Grey answered, face leisurely turning towards Andy and breaking eye contact with me. "Since you liked it so much, why not be the first person on stage when I do it again?" Andy's finger twitched.

"Nah, that's okay, " he said. "Thanks for the offer, though." Grey nodded as he pulled out several red cups from the island and placed them on the table. Those who had gotten on stage started to fill up the room.

"I enjoyed it so much," Mindy butted in eagerly. "I'll do it again." Some of the girls around us snickered.

"You weren't half-bad up there," Grey commented, silencing them. "I wouldn't mind." His attention returned to me. Shivers ran up my spine.

"You didn't dance, but you can try this out," he offered, pointing to the drink. I shook my head while he poured some for everyone in cups.

"Why not?"

"I don't want it," I signed. Unphased, he shrugged and then handed out the drink to everyone else.

As everyone gulped down their drinks, the crowd began to fizzle out. Grey looked at me again, perplexed, and signed, "I know you from somewhere. Are you sure we never met before?"

Again, I shook my head too quickly.

His mouth opened, but then he shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. His friend pulled up something on his phone and stole Grey's attention off me. Tense, I walked out of the room. Mindy gave chase, asking, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," I signed. She gave me a quizzical glance, and I opened my notes app and typed, Nothing.

Arnold looked ready to dip, and Andy looked between the two of us, concerned. "I think maybe we should leave, Mindy." She nodded and was about to say something else when Grey approached from behind them.

His steps were confident as he stopped before me and signed, "Let's dance."

Stunned, I mouthed, "No, no, no."

"Come on, what's the harm?" he asked.

Stupidly, I admitted, "I can't dance."

"Wanna try?" he asked.

"Try what?" Mindy asked.

"Dancing with me," Grey said.

"Girl, do it!" she said excitedly. "It's so fun!"

"No, I can't, I'm sorry," I signed.

Grey put his hand up in mock surrender. "All right, maybe next time." He walked off with his friends, leaving me shaking in nervousness.

"Time for round two!" I heard Grey's voice announce. "Who's ready?" I looked at Mindy, expecting her to be jumping for joy and pulling us over to the room.

"You guys still want to get out of here?" she asked, much to my relief. I nodded so vigorously that my head protested with pain.

"I'm with her," Arnold said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "I think we both had enough."

"I suppose you've both had your fill of torture for the day," Andy teased, and Mindy chuckled.

We walked out of the loud, alcohol-reeking house and onto the freshly cut grass outside. The scent was soothing to the nose.

"Wanna meet at DQ's and get something there?" Andy asked as we approached the sidewalk.

"Hell, yes!" Arnold said. "The only good idea I've heard tonight."

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