Chapter 21

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Waking up without Grey holding me caused a deep ache in my chest to burn like fire. I didn't want to admit that to myself, but there was no way of denying it. I needed him there. After what I saw... after Grey triggered my memory for him to see in return, I needed him more than anything. I sat up, my feelings about the party now dissolved. My motivation to have Sasha destroy him was through anger, but that was all gone.

I pulled myself out of bed, fresh tears leaving my eyes as I did. Dad's plea he gave the man in desperation to save my life when it should've been to spare his echoed against my skull. He didn't know he was going to die.

I resolved that I wouldn't be going to the party anymore. I was going to wallow in misery instead.

After regaining my composure, I went downstairs to the kitchen, where my mom was preparing breakfast. She turned and began to ask, "How'd you slee—" She put down the spatula she was holding and her arms wrapped around me. "Why were you crying?"

I cried, and I leaned into her.

"Baby," she said and pulled away from me. "What happened?"

"I had a dream about dad," I signed. She flinched and then pulled me into her again.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice cracking. "That must've been painful, especially because your dreams are so vivid..." I told my mom a long time ago that every dream I had was so vivid it was scary; I neglected to tell her that I entered into other people's dreams frequently because I knew she wouldn't believe me. Eventually, she informed me that my dreams were lucid, and I did further research online to figure out how to deal with them, including having my dream journal by my bedside at all times.

I sniffled, putting on a weak smile. She wiped my tears away and then returned to the stove. "Breakfast is almost ready, okay?"

I sat at the table and waited in silence. Mom brought the food over, and we ate together, the silence still there. She looked at me with a tight smile as if she had to break something to me that she didn't want to. "Jared's coming over tonight." An audible hiss escaped my lips, and she looked at me knowingly. She probably made these plans a while ago, but it was awful to hear with the timing of my nightmare.

"Okay," I signed. "I'll be out of your hair."

"No... Let's spend some time together, all of us." Nausea flooded through me, and I gripped the fork in my hand before taking a slow breath and putting it down.

"I already have plans tonight," I signed.

"Can't you cancel them?" she asked. "If it's like some party, then that's no excuse to miss this."

"This?" I signed. "What's this? I don't like him, nor will I ever. He can't replace my father."

"Nor will he ever," she said exasperated. "I just want you to try tonight. Please?"

"I'm not ready," I signed. "I'm not."

She sighed, and I knew her usual strictness wanted to kick in. But she held it back and let out a reluctant nod. "Have fun tonight then." She stood up abruptly, put her plate in the sink, then walked out of the kitchen, Timmy following behind her. I put my head in my hands as my chest tightened, focusing on swallowing down any on-coming tears.

I had to go to the party now. I didn't want to, but I had no other choice. Spending time locked up in my room while Jared was with my mom doing god knows what didn't sit well with me. Neither did spending time with them together make me feel any better.

I went upstairs and mentally prepared for the night ahead.


"Hey, babe!" Evan said over the music, pulling me into a hug. "How're you enjoying the party so far?" I had been there for a while, with no sign of Grey and Sasha. Evan's house was more quaint than Grey's but still spacious enough to fit people in the backyard, front yard, and upstairs rooms. So technically, Grey and Sasha could be anywhere at the party. But with the mass of shouting teens jumping and grinding to the music, it was almost like finding two needles in a haystack. 

I pulled out my phone and wrote, It's a bit loud. Evan chuckled and teased, "Yeah, that tends to be the case at parties." Another one of his friends pulled him into a drunken hug, and they started to stumble around for a moment. I stole a peek around as they did—still no Grey or Sasha. The guy walked away, and Evan pulled me close to him and said in my ear, "This party is for you. I felt you deserved better than the last party you went to. That shows I'm a better host than Grey." He winked. "Come, dance with me." I shyly shook my head.

"Come on, no one's looking," he said and gestured around. He wasn't wrong. Everyone was drunk or self-involved currently on the dance floor. "I want to show off my girlfriend." He dragged me to him, and we danced to the music. He was more into it than me; I held back slightly. He wasn't having that, though. He grabbed my arms and began leading the dance. I went with it, laughing slightly.

We danced together for a few songs, him cracking jokes often. Eventually, I pulled away and wrote, I need to go check up on my friends. We can catch up later, though. He nodded and then placed a kiss on my sweaty forehead. "I'll be with one of my friends in the kitchen. Shoot me a text or find me if you need anything." I nodded and returned to my friends, pressed against the sliding glass door leading to the backyard pool. It was too chilly for anyone to venture into it, so it was the only place we could hang out that was a little emptier.

"Have you seen Grey or Sasha yet?" Arnold yelled nervously. I shook my head and shrugged. Maybe they wouldn't end up coming? The thought of that made my stomach twist. Then I'd be trapped with Evan for longer than I'd like. Not that I had anything against Evan. I just knew he was using me, and so, in turn, I was going to use him, too.

After a few more agonizing minutes of drinks and loud music, I spotted Grey in the crowd, entering the house with Sasha on his arm. He looked bored already, scanning around the room for someone. I looked away before his eyes roamed in our direction.

"He's here," Andy said. "Time to get them away from each other."

"How?" Mindy asked.

"You'll see," Ana said, a smirk on her face. She pushed through the crowd and stood right in front of Grey. Grey's eyes flickered with uncertainty as he looked at Sasha. However, her smile seemed genuine as she unhooked her arm and walked off, nodding in approval.

Andy turned to Blake and said, "You remember the plan, right?"

"Yep," he said, pushing his way past the mass of students and Ana, who was animatedly talking to Grey, who seemed to look at her appreciatively instead of cockily like I thought he would. What exactly was going on here? They refused to involve me in the plan so I wouldn't be stressed out. But now, not knowing was causing me anxiety.

"Hazel, once Blake gets Sasha and Evan in the same area, he's gonna get you and then Grey," he said. "If all goes according to plan, that is."

After a few more minutes of agonizing anticipation, Blake came running back toward us. "Come, Hazel. There's something you should see." He then mouthed, "Act concerned." I obeyed, furrowing my eyebrows and running after him. I felt Grey's eyes on us as we passed by him.

I followed Blake upstairs and down the hall towards a less populated house area. There was a door there, already closed. He pointed at it and whispered, "Cup your ear against it." So I did and heard heavy breathing and occasional kisses over the muffled pounding music from downstairs.

"Evan," Sasha breathed. "After this, you have to break up with that freak, Hazel. That's the only way I'll allow this to continue."

"Sure, baby," he whispered before planting another kiss on her body. "Anything for you." She giggled giddily, thinking she'd won. If I wanted Evan, I'd open the door, choke him, and then her. But she was getting what we wanted. She was also about to get what she deserved.

I stood outside the door, occasionally listening to make sure they continued their session while Blake left to fetch Grey. When they came back, Grey looked confused to see me there. Then his eyes darkened.

He immediately rushed to the door and listened in like I was.

"Mother fu—" He threw it open.

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