Chapter 24

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This felt nothing like the dreams.

We were close to each other. My wrist was sandwiched firmly between our chests, and I hardly had the strength to look up at him, let alone stand up straight. My legs felt like jello, and my heart thundered in my chest with anticipation and sickening nervousness.

His arms wrapped around my waist, and my nerves exploded in excitement. Too many sensations cluttered my mind. I stared at a single spot on his chest. I wanted to get lost in it all—his arms were firm around me, the surprisingly pleasant smell emanating from his breath, and we were nearly flushed against each other. It all felt so right.

His hand slowly moved up, climbed back, and reached around to grab my chin. He looked me in the eyes.

"Can I kiss you...?" His grip on my face loosened so I could nod or shake my head. I didn't know what to do.

"Get away from her!" Ana exclaimed. I yanked myself out of his arms. I went behind the protective barrier of Mindy, Ana, and Andy.

Andy stepped between Grey and us. Grey looked back at me, almost desperately, and I looked away.

"Her phone," Grey said through grit teeth, and Andy reached for it, snatching it away. Then, after a few moments, Andy hissed, "Good riddance." I looked past him. Grey was gone.

"Let's get back to Blake and Arnold," Andy said, grabbing my wrist and leading us down the path.


After recalling the events that had just happened, Blake pulled me to the side of the rock.

"Do you like him?" Blake asked.

"I have no idea," I signed.

"So then yes. How did this even happen?"

"He was never mean to me, if you think about it," I signed. "I lost like you, though."

"Hazel, he was with a girl who treated you terribly."

That was a good point.

"Just be careful," he added. Then we rejoined the group. Blake's warning echoed around my head until we decided to call it a night and head home.

Mindy was silent on the drive home, which was unusual. I glanced at her several times and shifted uncomfortably. Once we were outside my house, she parked the car and said, "So." I pulled out my phone, ready for whatever was about to come.

"I like Andy."

I blinked. Mindy's confession was confusing and very much out of nowhere. They always seemed to butt heads, even back in middle school. So the fact that she liked him was shocking—in a good way.

She laughed and said, "Yeah, I know, I know. I like Andy. And you're probably wondering what that has to do with tonight." I nodded. She took a deep breath and whispered, "I'm sure he likes you."

Another blindside and another blink. "You didn't know?" I shook my head with a frown.

"But, you like Grey, right?" she asked, hopeful. "'Cause, the last thing I want is to like the same person as a friend I hold closely in my heart. Because no matter what, I can't help it; I'd have to let you have him. And that would hurt so much. I wouldn't be able to stand it and—"

I waved my hands and pulled her into a tight hug. She sighed. I pulled away and typed, I don't know how I feel about Grey, but I definitely don't like Andy.

She was back to normal as she exasperatedly asked, "How can you not know how you feel about him? You don't let any guy hold you the way he was when we found the two of you. Both times."

Little Sweet Dreamer - Wattys EditionWhere stories live. Discover now